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       ***KATIE WILLSON ***

I watched Rachael as she ran away to Jace and looked at the picture one more time.

I don't know exactly why but I felt like strangling that girl to death for being so close to Jace.

What am I saying?

I quickly put my phone in my purse and walked right up to the door of her Dad's office.

I looked left then right to check If the coast was clear before dialing in the password I had seen Rachael use.

Actually, Rachael was a bit more gullible than I thought. She didn't interrogate me that much when I asked her about her Dad's office

It was like she wanted to go in there too.

Well Collins, that's what you get for messing with a Willson and  maybe a Peters.

The door immediately snapped open and I threw my weight on it which pushed it.

I silently shut the door behind me when I was in and began searching through all his paperwork and drawer he had

I immediately put things exactly how they were before I touched them so he won't suspect a thing.

For about an hour of being in his office I found nothing and I knew I had to get back soon before Rachael started looking for me

Just then I had a call and looked to see it was Cole

"Umm hi Cole?" I asked and I could hear him answer in a worried tone

"Kate where are you?,you've been gone for almost an hour" he said and I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me

"I'm still working on it, I just need a bit more time" I said the last part begging and I heard him sigh

"Jace was right about you going and I can't believe I didn't support him?" He asked himself and shook my head

"Hey relax, I'm almost there. Just the last thing and I'll be back in the next five minutes" I said and he sighed again

"Well hurry then, Jace might explode if you don't hurry here" he said and I frowned

"Why, what did I do?" I asked

"It's not you. Just some annoying chick's who are clinging to our arms like leeches. Cut it out" I heard him shout as I hear him swatt someone's hand off him

"Sorry, just one of the leeches trying to suck my blood" he apologized and I giggled

I suddenly turned to face a painting that had the words New York City painted bodly on it.

I mean it was just a painting, nothing special

But what caught my attention about it was the red light that was blinking at the top right corner as a tiny dot

That was strange

I walked closer to it and bit my lip as I examined it closely

"Cole I'll call you back" and before he could protest I hanged up

I carefully touched the golden frame of the painting trying not to touch the glass part to get a finger print on it

Just below the frame was an almost invisible black button which I pressed praying to God to not let it be an alarm system or something

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped open when the painting morped into a white sheet of paper with super tiny black dots which were almost as small as bacteria all over it

I mean, what kind of technology was this?

I didn't know what to do at this instant because whatever this thing was might not or might be a clue to helping my Dad and brother, but they were all written in codded words and so tiny

You'd need a microscope to read this. A magnifying glass would look useless trying to enlarge this

A sighed and ran my hand through my hair before placing it on my hips as I tried to think of what to do next.

I light bulb finally struck and I pulled out my phone before taking pictures of whatever it was that was on the paper

My jaw nearly dislocated when it dropped so low when I checked my pictures to see a blank sheet of paper in the frame

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed so loudly and immediately covered my mouth with my hand

I stayed silent for a while as a guard passed by upon hearing the noise and soon left

I looked at the thing on the wall and then my phone

The tiny dots were still there alright, but they were no where to be seen in the picture

Was this magic or what?

I stood there in silence again trying to analyse what was going on when I realised something

There was no reflection of myself on it. I mean it's glass, it's supposed to at least have a reflection of me when I looked at it. Maybe it had something to do with the glass, I thought

I took a pair of rubber gloves from the box on Collins's desk and carefully took the frame off the wall

I placed it gently on the floor and kneeled down near it as I carefully took the glass off the frame and placed it diagonally on the wall to prevent it from cracking

I took pictures and as I expected the dots did show this time

Suddenly I heard voices approaching from a far and my heart leaped in my chest. I quickly fixed the glass back on and put the frame back where it was

I was about to hide when I realised that I hadn't changed it back

I said some curse words before running to press the black dot and immediately it changed back into a painting

I looked around franctically for a place to hide and as soon as I was under his desk the door opened and in came the devil with Mr.Andrews

They shut it once they were all in and hearing him laugh made my blood boil

"Andrews I feel so happy and refreshed" he said

"I have to admit it Andrews, this year has been very tiring and full of surprises but, I can't say I hate it" he added with a laugh and Mr.Andrews laughed along

"By tomorrow, we'd have every single document to claim the Willson and Peters company as ours and nothing can stop us" he said with an evil laugh and I gasped under the table but immediately cupped my mouth with my hand

"What did you do to the blonde lady?" I heard Mr. Andrews ask and from under the table I saw Collins give an evil grin

"Well, if not that I had a wife, she'd have been mine cause she's very pretty but, who says I can't have a wife and a mistress.  I'm rich after all" he said and I wanted to jump out of my hiding spot and pluck those eyes out

"So where is she?" Andrews asked trying to get more information

"Oh don't worry my good man" he said as he patted his back

"She's safe in one of my houses in New York" he answered and I gasped. Poor Ella, she was in danger because of us

"What would your wife say if she finds out?" Andrews asked

"What can she say if she doesn't find out?" Collins also asked

"This a secret between only the two of us and if word concerning this gets out, you know what I can do Andrews" Collins said and then gave a laugh before he suddenly stopped

"What's wrong?" Andrews asked

"Someone's been here"

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