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I was at the kitchen having dinner with Anita and Doris making a special dinner for Dad when he came back in a few hours time. Dad had said he would be brought from the ball with other millionaires in a very big van who lived in our apartment and we were waiting.

Well I was waiting and Kyle wasn't at home. After school today, Kyle said he had to stay for like an extra hour at the library since he had another competition coming up.

But now it was literally freaking nine and Kyle still hasn't shown up. I was worried sick for him.

Just then I heard the door shoot open and Kyle screamed my name like a mad man. Jeez, noise wasn't allowed in this fancy place

"KATIE! KATIE!, where the fuck is my sister?" he yelled and I frowned. Kyle never mentioned my name in full unless there was a problem

I abondoned my dinner and went to the living room where I saw him pacing up and down looking wild

"Kyle what the heck?, you come late and scream my name like that. Do you know what t-" I was about to ask but he cut me short

"Heck Katie I don't have time, listen" he said as he turned on the TV with the remote switching it to a news channel.

A lady was going on and on about something and I wasn't really following until the headlines caught my attention and then I was having a panic attack


"Today, the country's most noticed billionaires were stopped by a car filled with robbers and attacked. Some were seriously injured and two were taken hostages" the lady said and my eyes widened when we saw footages of Dad and Mr.Peters being shoved into the car and it drove away.

"According to the police these important men would be found and sent back home safely to their families. That's one minute with Clara Hover" and then it went to a food ad.

I just looked at the Tv's screen quietly not knowing how to process this information. I then turned to look at Kyle and saw him running his hands aggressively through his hair.

Just then the doorbell rang and Anita went to open it and Luke stormed in looking just as crazy as Kyle

"Twins what are we going to do know?, are fathers have been captured. What am I going to do?" he asked and I looked at how his honey blonde hair looked just as messy as Kyle's

Suddenly Kyle just lost it and grabbed a glass vase and threw it against a wall making it smash into a thousand pieces. Both Luke and i looked at him like he had gone nuts and took a step back

It's not like my brother would hurt me or anything but right now how he was behaving, I had to take a step back just for safety reasons

The doorbell rang again and Ella ran inside. She looked like she had ran a marathon and was panting really hard. She then looked at the three of us standing here with pity and I understood her

We were all motherless and if anything bad happened to our Dad's we would be fatherless as well making us all orphans.

"Children are you alright?" She asked and though the answer was obvious she still asked. Luke's eye twitched like crazy and I was afraid they would fall out anytime soon

"What on earth are you saying?, our Dads have been captured, I'm all alone and we don't even know who's got them" he answered with so much anger and for the first time he was right. We don't know where on earth our Dads were.

Whether they were being tortured where ever they were or not. I just wanted him home, Kyle was acting crazy over here and Luke.... well was being Luke.

WHEN REALITY HITS PERFECTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ