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                ***COLE ADAMS***

"And I know you like her too" Jace said making me snap my head up. I looked at him not really sure what to say

"You know?" I asked and I heard him chuckle

"Cole, I've known this since the first day you met her" he said and I chuckled too

"Guess I'm not that good at hiding my emotions" I said and he smiled before walking towards me

"This reminds me of Lisa" he said making my mood suddenly change

"Don't mention that bitch's name Jace" I warned and he nodded his head in understanding

I sat down on a chair and he sat by me. We were quiet for only a brief moment when I suddenly sighed

"I don't know what to do Jace really, I kinda knew this would happen but I still managed to like her" I said and he looked at me confused

"You knew what would happen?" He asked and I ran my hand through my hair

"You know, you liking Kate" I said and he raised his brow up

"How did you know?, I literally hated her the first day I laid my eyes on her" he said and I laughed

"Have you watched the movie the body guard?" I asked and he shook his head

"You know I don't really watch movies Cole" he stated plainly and I rolled my eyes

"Typical of you not to know" I muttered

"It's about a famous singer who falls in love with her bodyguard though they hated eachother's guts at first " I said and he gave me a 'really?' look and I nodded

"Kate is an amazing girl and I'd do anything to see her smile" I confessed and just before he was about to speak, his Dad and the other head agents walked in

We stood up as a sign of respect and greeted the older men. Once we were done we all took our seats

"Since we're all present and accounted for, we may begin" a head agent said

                ***KATIE WILLSON***

"Impossible" I heard Freddie say while I gulped down, hard.

I stared at the woman before me and my mind couldn't seem to understand whatever was happening here

"Come dears, what's with the scared look?, I don't bite" she said and led us to the dining Hall where there were varieties of food packed on the table

"Mom, these are my friends Iris and Freddie. I hope you don't mind that I invited them?" Rachael asked and the woman gave her a sweet smile

"If course not love, the more the merrier right?" Her Mom said with her smile still on

Freddie and I took a seat and ate but stared at the woman from the corner of our eyes from time to time

Halfway through the dinner, I excused myself to the bathroom and looked at the mirror once I was in as I thought of the woman

The door suddenly clicked open and Freddie walked

"Kate I don't like what's going on one bit" she said looking a bit terrified as I was

"Neither do i" I admitted

"Who the heck is that woman and why the fuck does she look exactly like you and Kyle?" Freddie asked but my mind was blank

I didn't know how to answer that question

Rachael's Mom, looked exactly like Kyle and I. From her skin colour to her eyes and even her hair, everything

We were quiet as we thought about what was happening

"What if....?" Freddie asked trailing off

"No" I said as I shook my head knowing exactly what she wanted to say

She sighed

"But Kate, that's the only reasonable explanation for this creepy situation" she said and I huffed

"I'm more creeped out than you are Freddie" I said and she just took in a deep breathe as she held her temples

"I'm calling the leader"

"What?" I asked as she took her phone and went to contacts

"Freddie, no" I said and she gave me a confused look

"Why?" She asked

"I've worried Jace enough, I don't want another one of my burdens resting on his shoulders" I admitted and she gave me a tight lipped smile as she put her phone back into her pants pocket

"So what are you going to do?" She asked and I sighed as I looked back at the mirror

"I honestly don't know" I said


"Do you know anything about your Mom?" She asked and my head shot up as I looked at her

"I know nothing about her Freddie you know that. I don't know if she's alive or even ....dead" I said and she nodded

"We've got to look into this woman because..." she trailed off

"Because what?" I asked and she looked straight at me

"Because, that woman might be your Mom" she said and I looked at her like she was crazy

"Shit Freddie, did you drink?" I asked and she chuckled

"Not today I didn't" she said and I yanked my ponytail a bit

We stood there in silence again before we went back for dinner and headed home

But before we left, Rachael's Mom called me and handed me a card

"You're such a beautiful girl Iris, call me whenever you feel like it and let's talk,OK?" She said and I nodded as I gave her a tight lipped smile

"What's that?"Freddie asked as she took the card from me in the taxi

"Rachael's Mom gave it to me" I said but she shook her head

"I know she gave it to you because I was there but I mean what's that?" She asked again as she pointed to some writing with fresh ink on the card

"I didn't see that" I said as I took the card from her and read what was written on it

"We both have questions which need answers, let's meet after New year and talk" I read and there were some locations for our meeting

"What was that all about?" She asked and I bit my lip trying to understand something here

"You think she heard our conversation or something?" I asked and she shrugged

"I honestly don't know, but it's possible since it's her house. She might have security cameras around" she answered and I nodded

"Won't you at least tell the leader what's going on?, he deserves to know" Freddie said said but I shook my head

"I've caused enough trouble for him, I need to solve this one in my own" I answered but she looked at me doubtfully

"I wonder just how Kyle's doing" she said as she rested her head on my shoulder and I gave a heavy sigh

"I honestly don't know, but I hope he's fine at least" I said and she squeezed my hand for comfort

"I guess I fell short in everything for him not to like me the way I like him" she said and I looked at her in suprise

"You fall short in nothing Freddie keep that in mind" I said while poking her head

"I know this is wrong to say but Kyle is an idiot for not noticing such a sweet and out of this world girl" I said and she looked at me with so much appreciation in her eyes

"I'm glad for a best friend like you" she whispered and I smiled as I gently put my head on hers

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