Chapter 40: [Baby Steps]

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3rd May 2000- Wednesday

Alsephina murmured softly in his arms as Harry carried her from the Sedan, sleepy and not too enthused that he had decided to bring her along. Jasmine had invited him for tea at her Palace with Erin, and, moderately close to the pair, he had accepted. With their shared pregnancies, he and Erin had been growing closer in the past weeks, and Harry hoped that he could perhaps add the pair to his miserably small group of tentative allies.

The mood in the Court was still rather dampened due to the death of the late Concubine Emma, but things were beginning to pick up three momentous events dawned on the Empire: the First Princess' wedding occurring in a matter of weeks, the beginning of the Harem Selection not long after, and the World Tournament running alongside it. Therefore, Harry found it easiest to move around the Court in his Sedan, as it was sure to get him where he needed faster than on foot.

He was welcomed warmly by a pair of maids at the gates, both smiling and bowing as he exited the Sedan.

"Your Highness, the Secondary Consort." They greeted him in unison.

He waved them up quickly, still juggling his squirming daughter.

"We are to lead Your Highness to where Her Highness Lafington and Lady Witt are taking tea. They requested we inform you that Her Highness Princess Serina and His Highness Prince Atticus are present as well." The maid on the left spoke, eyes lowered.

"I had presumed." He responded kindly, dodging Alsephina's swatting hands. "My daughter will enjoy seeing her siblings, I hope."

"Her Highness wished to know if Princess Alsephina will be needing anything whilst she is here, Your Highness."

"Is there a secure area set up where I can place her? She has begun crawling."

And gained a rebellious streak within the past few days, as shown by her glare as she pushed at his arms, mumbling, no longer sleepy.

"Yes, Your Highness. Concubine Lafington prepared an area for Prince Atticus and the Princess to share."

"Then that will be all."

The pair bowed again and began leading him around the Palace- identical to the one he'd possessed as a Concubine- towards the rear garden.

Jasmine and Erin stood as they noticed his approach, bowing as he closed the distance between them.

"Brother Harry," Jasmine spoke, as the higher-ranked concubine. "Thank you for accepting my invitation. Her Highness, the Sixteenth Princess," They bowed a tad lower to his daughter, which felt all kinds of strange. Alsephina looked at them with a bewildered expression, turning to hide her face in his neck.

"Brother Harry, Her Highness." Erin echoed, smiling.

"Sisters," He greeted in return, allowing Jasmine to link arms with him as Erin situated herself on his other side, cooing at his daughter. "How are the both of you?"

Jasmine sighed. "As well as I can be at this time. I admit, I am still rather saddened at the passing of our Sister. I cannot seem to believe that she is truly gone, Emma was such an integral and steadfast of the Harem."

"I as well, Sister," Erin spoke, her eyes sad. "She was such a lovely woman, and will be sorely missed."

"That she will." Jasmine inclined her head. "It has been a distressing past few weeks, but I must admit, there have been some bright moments. Atticus has been thriving recently, he's close to crawling properly now, and with Erin and yourself progressing so well in your pregnancies, I am filled with joy for the future. Especially as the eldest Princess is marrying within only a few week's time."

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