Chapter 20- [Ambition]

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I love this chapter, and I think you'll like it too ;)

Also, Intimacy Additions has a new chapter, and another will be posted later today ^-^

My Twitter- @xStrawberryJam_


22nd August 1998- Saturday

"It's lovely that his Majesty-" Penny's voice cut out suddenly as a gasp sounded through the hall, and Harry lifted his head up in alarm. "Are you alright, Brother Felix?" Concern was palpable in her voice, and it drew his attention to where Felix was sitting on his chaise, clutching hold of his heavily pregnant stomach and panting heavily. The Concubine looked flushed, hair sticking to his skin as his maid fanned him concernedly.

"I'm-I'm unsure, Sister. It-" The man scrunched up his face, wheezing slightly as he panted. "It hurts- I'm, I think I've entered labour-"

Bellatrix was quick to her feet, striding over to the man with concern clearly showing on her features. "Sofia, quickly, go and fetch the Royal Healer!"

"Anjani, go an inform his Majesty that Concubine Felix has entered labour!" Regulus called out as well, although it was mostly lost in the raucous noise that now enveloped the meeting hall.

The hall was in a hubbub, maids rushing here and there on the orders of their lords and ladies, concubines fluttering in panic as they watched the man being lifted to lean on the shoulders of his two present maids, his pained pants echoing in the hall as he was led towards the exit.

Harry hoped they'd make it to the man's Palace in time.


Hours later, the Fifteenth Princess, Fiona Rosaline Slytherin, was born. Harry and his fellow concubines knelt on the floor as her screams rang through the Palace of Beginning Auspiciousness, the cooes of the Concubine echoing out from within the room, signifying that there was nothing amiss. It went much the same as when both Bellatrix and Penny had given birth to their daughters, a certain amount of ceremony and tradition being expected, although the suddenness of the situation allowed for some lenience. The Princess hadn't been expected until late September.

Once they were allowed within the room to pay their respects and be present for the naming, Harry laid eyes on the newest Princess, and his eyebrows rose at the startling red of her eyes, so vibrant and bright despite only being mere minutes old. Whispers ran around the room as others noticed as well, and Thomas seemed to be preening with pride as he stared down at his daughter.

Harry couldn't truly match this man in with the rumours he'd heard about him. He seemed caring, he allowed Harry to call him by his first name and be casual to an extent with him, and Harry had yet to see him physically hurt someone, despite the signs that he wasn't as kind as he presented to him. It confused him, lulled him into a sense of security when around the man despite knowing that he was the man who had ordered the deaths and killed thousands to get where he was today: the most powerful man in the world.

Harry hoped he'd never have to come face to face with the illustrious, ruthless side of the Emperor. He was content not knowing, despite having been fed all sorts of horror stories by his parents since he was young. It was for the best of all involved.

Now, with the birth of the Fifteenth Princess, there were no known pregnancies within the harem, and they entered into a strange lull.


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