Chapter 5 [First Meeting]

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I feel like this one is more boring than usual. I don't know. Please suggest any corrections :) Chapter 6 is coming along fine, although I've realised that there are so many birthdays. Should I gloss over the unimportant ones? How do I decide who is important?

Anyway, I've managed to plan up to chapter 14, which is good. Hope I manage to update on time ^-^


19th July 1997- Saturday

Having put it off for a couple of days, Harry recognised that it was time to begin attending the daily greetings. They were held in the Gathering Hall every day except Sundays, from seven until nine on Mondays, and eight until nine for the remaining days. Formally, they were for greeting the highest-ranking concubines and discussing changes in the harem, such as rankings and policies regarding them. However, most knew it was the place for gossiping, slighting and general dramatics, somewhere to showcase their talents, gain allies and enemies alike, and flaunt the attention they received from the Emperor.

Harry hadn't wanted to seem too eager to join in on all of this, the treasure trove of information that it was, but also didn't want to look as though he was putting off meeting them all formally, avoiding them and therefore seeming weak. Besides, joining on a Saturday meant that there was no meeting for him to attend the next day. It was the perfect day, and so he called on his maids to help him prepare.

Getting ready for meeting the other concubines, however, was hell. The maids dressing him for the day, Kia and a young maid named Amari, were ruthless with their opinions, swathing him up only to rip it all off of him a moment later.

" Your lordship, you must look perfect. Stunning the others, but without standing out. We can't be having you gaining enemies only due to the clothes you're wearing, not on your first day." Her accented voice was soothing, and her smile was mostly teasing, but he couldn't help but frown.

" And how will you achieve that?"

She smiled toothily. " With a little bit of magic, anything is possible."

And, somehow, the girl made it work. Dressed in robes that, whilst lacking in the many adornments he saw other concubines wearing, accentuated his figure and features perfectly with its greenish-blue hue. He walked into the Gathering hall with his head held high, only minutes before the meeting was due to begin.

There were barely any concubines present, however. Harry counted twelve unoccupied seats, one of which belonged to himself. That left eleven other concubines to arrive. He noticed that Luna was in attendance, but none of the other new additions were yet and concluded that they probably wouldn't attend until Monday's session. They were waiting on seven then, which included Consort Bellatrix, who was needed to start the meeting up, and Concubine Regulus.

Harry made his way to his seat on the left side of the hall, one of his assigned maids having entered before him to prepare his space. It wasn't the luxurious chaise the higher-ranking concubines had, but it still seemed comfortable enough with its soft-looking embroidered pillows and conveniently placed side table laden with light snacks.

Luna sat in the seat to the right of the empty one across from him, where Dahlia would sit when she started attending. She smiled at Harry dreamily, giving him a slight wave, the bangles adorning her wrist jingling with the movement. She looked healthier than she had before, white hair glossy and robes fitting her perfectly despite her slender form. He smiled briefly in return at his friend before busying himself with reading his book.

The hall was mostly silent, the present concubines happy enough to sit quietly or converse in whispers with their maids. Harry felt himself relax slightly, something that he berated himself for internally. He couldn't trust those around him not to take advantage of a slight opening to ruin him, even within his first week.

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