Chapter 17- [Refusal]

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I just HAD to post this on the 13th since that's a) Today in real life and b) Luna's birthday, which is the first scene shown. :) In the end, this chapter ended up at 4.2k AND I've written quite a bit for future chapters.

Also, very important: I've created a wiki fandom page for this fic, since I know how hard it can be to keep up with all the rankings changing, and I can't really give out all of my notes. Here's the link:


13th February- Friday

Luna sat in front of Harry, sipping her tea, looking for all as if she had no cares in the world, her robes colourful and glittery, shining in the weak, wintery sunshine. His lip twitched upwards as she hummed happily at the taste, even though she had already taken a sip only moments before and done the same thing.

They were sitting in his private garden, Harry having invited her around for her birthday, with the invitation to bring along anyone she wanted. The only person who had arrived with Luna, however, was her personal maid.

She stood off to the side, twitching every time she glanced towards the girl, her muted blue robes a direct contrast to the brightness of Luna's. Harry watched her from the corner of his eyes, cataloguing her reactions and sussing out her feelings towards his friend.

"This tea is wonderful, Harry, although, it could do with a bit more sugar." Luna reached forward for the sugar pot, as she had done three times before, and Harry quickly pulled it away, shaking his head.

"No more sugar, you'll rot your teeth."

"Sugar doesn't rot your teeth, silly. The tooth fairies do, so that they can steal them away" She giggled, reaching once again for the pot, and Harry vanished its contents, humming disbelievingly.

He wondered how Luna had entered the harem in the first place. She didn't come from a prominent family, despite her status as a Pureblood. She held above-average magic, although so did many others in the harem, and Harry knew that the Emperor surely didn't believe half of what came out of the girl's mouth, so it wasn't for her Ravenclaw intelligence. He could admit that she was very pretty, but in a cute, small-animal-like way. Luna, from what he knew, held no ambitions for power as he did, so it was perplexing as to why she had chosen to be a concubine. There was magic in place that disallowed anyone from being coerced by third parties into joining- their application had to be created of their own free will, so it could only have been her own intention.


"Hm?" She looked directly into his eyes, the pools of swirling blue gaining clarity at his attention, and Harry lost his nerves in the face of their intensity.

"Nothing. Here," He plucked a cupcake off of the tower instead to distract her. "Eat this."

She tilted her head. "But sugar rots your teeth, Harry, and I've already had my daily maximum." Luna leaned forward conspiratorily. "The Emperor ordered for me to only be allowed a certain amount each day." She pouted. "He said it makes me even more insufferable than usual." Giggling, she sipped once again at her tea.

He brought the cupcake up to his own mouth with a frown, biting into the sugary goodness and groaning at the taste.


17th February 1998- Tuesday

"-your Majesty, I implore you to think of lowering the age to join your illustrious harem. My daughter, Elisabeth, she is eager to join, however, she would not have met the age requirement by the next selection, by only a small margin-"

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