Chapter 10 [Penny]

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Both their heads turned at the unexpected voice. Behind Harry's chair stood Concubine Penny, who was staring disapprovingly down at the scene, a frown on her usually cheerful face. Cordelia spluttered, standing up to take a step towards the woman, before deciding against it at the look sent her way. Instead, she began to justify the scene. "Sister Penny... Noble Potter-Black offended me with his rude tone, I was just reacting appropriately to the offence he has caused for daring to-"

"Then, don't you think you take offence rather quickly, Sister?" She cut in, raising one blonde eyebrow. "From what I saw, Noble Potter-Black was merely informing you that he had told the truth, and you in response acted rather rashly to his words. I believe you should work on suppressing that hastiness of yours, to turn yourself into a better partner for his Majesty, he does so dislike carelessness." Penny sat down on the chair next to him, her maid hurrying to pour her a cup of tea whilst Coredlia's own floundered. Harry watched, amazed, as she turned the once pompous princess into a stuttering mess.

"Y-Yes, of course, Sister! I-I will endeavour to do my best to please his-his Majesty!"

"See to it that you do so." She patted her swollen stomach as she reached for a slice of cake, closing her eyes in bliss as she took a bite. "Your cook always makes the best cakes, they taste so fresh!"

"I-I will ask her to make you some, Sister."

" Oh, thank you, Sister! That would be lovely!" Commanding demeanour gone, Penny turned into a sweet woman hellbent on making sure he tried every treat on the cake tower. "Try this one, Brother, it's got a hint of rose to it which goes well with its sweetness." and "I'm sure that you'll enjoy the taste of this!" Soon, the tower was empty, and with nothing left to say, Penny stood alongside him and led him out of the palace, shouting cordial goodbyes over her shoulder.

After the pair had left the vicinity of the Palace of Noble Beauty, Penny raised a hand to her face to stifle her giggles into it.

"Oh, Sister Cordelia's face was brilliant! She looked terrified to be told off, even knowing that I'd never do anything so harsh as to warrant that." She continued to chuckle, Harry watching on with a slightly raised eyebrow. Penny wiped her eyes, breathing heavily. "It's been a little while since I last laughed like that, thank you for the entertainment, Brother."

She found the situation he feared funny? "You're welcome?"

She brought a hand up to her face once more, lips twisting in clear amusement. Before she could burst into hysterics once more, Harry quickly butted in. "Thank you, Concubine Slytherin-Haywood. For helping me out of that situation, I mean. You have my gratitude."

The woman waved off his bow, reaching out to take his hand in her own. "Oh, please, call me Sister. I'm not a lover of overly formal terms of address."

"Then, thank you, Sister." She smiled, kissing his cheek gently, and much to his embarrassment, he flushed red at her actions.

"Then, as thanks, remember to come and visit me at my palace sometime. You are quite refreshing to be in the presence of, Brother. Well, farewell for now."


31st August 1997- Sunday

The day before the Hogwarts-aged children were due to leave for the start of their new school year, was the 12th birthday of Seventh Princess Odelia, Noble Cordelia's one and only child. For the day of celebration, the Princess had asked for a gathering containing all of her father's concubines, none of her other siblings, and various people of importance to be attending. The first part was to be a grand dinner of several courses, lasting hours, which Harry was not looking forward to at all.

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