Chapter 7 [Break]

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This one is just over 3k long, which is good for me! I'm actually sticking to an update schedule for this story, which is a first, and have most of next chapter written up already.
That said, I realised that It's going to take a lot of chapters for this story to involve any sort of children between Tom and Harry ^-^ For reference, 31st December happens in the 14th chapter. But, I have been doing a lot more longer timeskips recently, so perhaps it'll be sooner than I'm expecting.
Please comment if you spot any mistakes, or if there's anything you want to see. Also, how do people feel about POV from other people?


1st August 1997- Saturday

Although they had not been able to share the same bed for the night, that right reserved for his Majesty's legal spouses, he and the Emperor's beds had only been separated by a silken curtain. It meant something, and he was much too unaware of his Highnesses personality for the time being to figure out what. But Harry knew for certain that he and the Emperor's relationship had blossomed that evening, filled with pleasant interactions and a delicious meal that was catered for his tastebuds.

In the morning, the Emperor was softer, feeding him pieces of fruit with a gentle gaze, sending him on his way with a kiss on Harry's palm and a playful ruffle of his hair. In his euphoric daze, he almost floated out of the Emperor's Palace, welcomed by Anya who was waiting by a Sedan with a happy smile.

" Master, I assume you had an enjoyable time?"

He blushed minutely, taking her hand. " You assume correctly. The dinner was lovely, and me and his Majesty seem to have grown closer."

" That's wonderful, Master. The Emperor certainly dotes on his concubines. Is there any need to arrange for a healer to do a check-up in the next few days?" The warm smile never strayed from her face but became more salacious as she helped him sit down.

Harry stopped and frowned in confusion. " Why is there a need for- No, no! Absolutely not! Me and his Majesty did not- not that! We simply shared a room, is all." He stammered, glaring at her. " Don't be so open with saying such things, his Majesty isn't fond of rumours, and neither am I!"

" This servant apologises, Master. Please, forgive me for my assumptions; I will accept any punishment you deem necessary." Harry tutted, turning away.

" You need to be more mindful, Anya. However, there is no need for any punishment; just be mindful from now on."

" My Master is a gracious one."


When he arrived back at the Palace of Noble Handsomeness, Dahlia was waiting for him in his front room, his maids rushing about to serve her. Harry cleared his throat to announce his presence, the maids barely stopping long enough to give him the required bow, before continuing.

He turned to his friend, frowning. It seemed that the maids the Department had issued him preferred to serve another master. " Dahlia, to what do I owe this visit?"

" His Majesty allowed you to stay in his Palace for the night." It wasn't a question. She continued to stare into the depths of her tea, a neutral expression hiding any clue of her true feelings.

" Yes. The Emperor had another bed prepared for me, since he knew our conversation would run on for a while."

" And? What did you talk about?"

" This and that. Mostly about my reasons for entering the Harem and my interests and hobbies. Small talk, he's a good conversator."

"Why would the Emperor want to know all that about a Noble?"

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