Chapter 67 - Preparation

Depuis le début

Afterwards, his little sister who sitting adjacent to the girl, who was surely called Mana, gave a stunned look to the girl.

"......? What happened?"

"No, even if you ask what happened...."

"Of course, until yesterday that child could only say "ah......" or "guu......", but now it's amazing that she can speak so fluently." As Mana lashed out, the boy felt a faint drop of sweat fall down his back as he narrowed his brow.

"If there is sufficient information on characters and vocal sounds, it is possible to infer the language system from these common elements. Of course, due to many speculative components, I cannot deny that there will probably also include differences in detail."

"No, from what you're saying, it sounds perfectly fluent."

"Um, why does it sound more authentic Japanese than Mana's?"

"Since Nii-sama could only say "ah......" or "gu......" for a while, it is at least at a higher level than Nii-sama." Mana exposed a kind smile while moving to pick up her bamboo sword bag, the boy hurriedly moved to stop her.

"Wait, calm down. I like your speech personally as well."

"It's good that you seem to understand."

As Mana let out a sigh while crossing her arms together, the boy gently brushed his hand against his chest to provide some comfort.

"That's right, we can ask now that you can speak."

"......? What?"

"Who are you? Your power is obviously not normal. According to what Nii-sama said, you were found at the site of that explosion. That wouldn't have been caused by your deed, right?" Mana questioned while sharpening her gaze.

Nevertheless, that was not spoken without reason. There had been extensive news coverage about the catastrophic attacks that ravaged the Kanto region yesterday. It was impossible to not take heed of that when there was a person in front of you that was found at that scene.

However, after hesitating for a moment, the girl shook her head.

"......Sorry. I don't know."

She had replied back honestly.

In fact, she did not know anything about herself. Both who she was and why she was there.

"Hmm......I don't think she is lying."

"Then can you talk about what you understand? That, what, your circumstances---I want to understand." The boy gently asked. While shooting a sideward glance at the boy, Mana could only helplessly shrug her shoulders.

"Things to understand......"

The girl lowered her eyes as she searched deep within her memory. While using the language she just learned, a fragmented scene began to resurface in her mind.

"I remember......on the surface of ground level......three people. Two young men and one girl. Although I didn't know what they were talking about at that moment──but now I think it was probably that language called English."

"Three people......?"

"On the surface at ground level......if it is related to that explosion, could it perhaps that large calamity that struck the skies of Eurasia? No, if that was the case, there shouldn't be any people......"

"I don't know. Collecting, producing......creating? I feel like it was something like that. And then......──"

The girl placed her hand against her forehead as if suffering from a painful headache. Seeing this, the boy gave an anxious look of concern.

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