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Eleni's Pov 

I have been trying my very best to help Oliver over the past few weeks. As she promised, the nurse never ended up telling the coach about the incident with Oliver which he is very grateful for. 

When we went back to the nurse three weeks later she said that he had improved and there was no need for him to come back again. 

We have been spending most of our time together. 

Every Friday after school our little group of four goes out together. We usually do something different each week like beach trips, bowling, movies, food and other fun things. It's really nice to have them all. We are yet to miss a Friday in weeks now. 

Carmen has finally fully recovered from her broken foot and had started back at her tennis training which I am so happy about. 

On Saturdays Oliver and I go out after training, we spend the day together and then he drops me home. 

Helping out with the training has also been going ok. Jane and Jake don't bother me anymore and coach is being so much nicer. The team has won all there games so far which according to coach means that we are in the final which is on this Sunday.

Carmen and I are both very excited because Archie convinced coach to let her go pitch side also  which is going to be too funny. 

Ms Perry told me that I would not be failing gym class this year which was good news. 

Muffin is doing well she is so grown up now it's crazy. 

The only thing that's not going very well is my relationship with my mum. I have come back to a destroyed house twice more since the last time it happened. She leave notes on the kitchen table saying home if I tell anyone that she would do more damage to not just the house so I haven't told a sole. 

I'm too scared. 

It has caused my anxiety to get a lot worse than it has been. 

Fast forward to football final game day 

Carmen and I are in my bedroom picking out outfits. It is an unwritten rule that on finals day you get more dressed up than on the other game days, so we are trying to make the outfits perfect. 

We stand in my bedroom looking in my wardrobe. We decide to be be matching as per usual so we ended up with something similar ish to what we wore to the bonfire. 

I'm wearing a gold sparkly skirt with a lacy white blouse and my golden gooses trainers and Carmen is wearing a black sparkly skirt with a black lace blouse and her golden goose trainers. We then both have matching Zadig and Voltaire bags, mine with is white with a gold strap and hers is black with a silver strap . My hair is curled and hers is straightened. (See photos below)

I am going on the bus with the team but Carmen is allowed to come with us which will make it all better. 

We decide to arrive 10 minutes early to get good seats on the bus. We go towards the back. After about 5 minutes of waiting the rest of the team start  file in slowly. We saved seats for Oliver and Archie beside us so when they get on the instantly walk in our direction. Archie slots in beside Carmen and Oliver sits beside me. 

"Hello gorgeous" he says while kissing my cheek. 

"Hi Olly" I say squeezing his hand. 

The bus journey is only about 30 minutes long and which actually is not bad in comparison to some of the other travelling we have had to do for these games. 

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