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Eleni's POV

Carmen is my soul sister i honestly don't know what I would do without her. She is the reason I go into school , the one who keeps me calm (and sane) and the one who I would do anything to help. If I were to try describe her to you I would say she is a girl with no faults. I am an only child. I am always alone but never lonely because I have Carmen. 

Carmen is one year older than me. 

She was born in August and I was born in June the year after. 

I have never had a relationship with my mum. So Carmen was the one to teach me all the little things a mum teaches her daughter. Carmen taught me how to do my own hair, she taught me what all the bits of makeup are for, she taught me how to apply makeup and she even taught me to do other peoples makeup too. 

I shop with Carmen 

Eat with Carmen 

Study with Carmen 

Laugh with Carmen 

Cry with Carmen 

It's safe to say she has seen me at my best and worst. 

Carmen has gorgeous blonde hair, brown eyes and is roughly 5 foot 9. She is always perfectly tanned and I don't think she has ever had bad hair day before. Mine and her style are similar in that we spend hours scrolling on Pinterest and Instagram to find outfits that are trending and then we can just use each others clothes. It's almost as if we don't have a wardrobe each we have one supersized wardrobe just in two different houses. At this point I don't remember which clothes are hers and which are mine. 

Carmen and I met in preschool her dad and mine were best friends and that's how it all started I suppose. Her nick name is Caramel and mine is Elle. 

Caramel and Elle. Just the two of us against the world. 

We live 10 minutes away from each other which is perfect because sleepovers are never refused (not that we really need permission anymore) and there is no such thing as needing something or wishing you brought something because we can just run home and grab it. 

Carmen lives with her two brothers who are twins and her mum and dad. 

Carmens brothers have always been super close to each other because they are twins and a few years older than us. They have always "unintentionally" left her out and gone places without her and that never really changed no matter how many times she asked them. So I became Carmens twin. I don't mean she was using me because her brothers didn't spend time with her , I suppose she just found someone who was as close to a twin as she was gonna get. She has spent more time with me than she has ever spent with her brothers and I'm not complaining. When we were younger I would spend hours sitting in her garden watching her do sports tricks to impress them.  She would even make drawings with the three of them together. She tried everything. It never worked. 

Even though I hate doing sports more than anything I would try help as much as I could. I would be the one to play goalie so that she could practice scoring goals ( I never saved a single one) I would bring over every crayon and glitter glue I had for her pictures and I would help her make a little speech asking her brothers to bring her anywhere with them even just once. It would always hurt watching them just say no with no thought to how much she wanted to just have them pay even .05 of a second looking at anything she had done for them. 

I feel like she has gotten to a point now that she just doesn't even bother anymore. There is no point in her spending all this time doing things for them only for them to say no or ignore her. It's sad. But I'm glad she has realised that. 

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