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Carmens Pov

Eleni, Elle, My gorgeous best friend.  

I honestly don't know what I would do without that girl. Like genuinely. I have know Elle since I was in preschool. So when I really think about it I haven't had to do anything without her. Anyways. 

Our Dads used to take us everywhere together. They were best friends too. So every Saturday when we were little we would go out the four of us. Me, my dad, Elle and her Dad. We would go fishing, we would bake we would go to the beach. You name it me and Elle did it with our Dads. 

If I was to describe Elle the best way I possibly can I would describe her as a literal ray of sunshine. Not the annoying ray of sunshine that's just shining right in your eyes and annoying you, the little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day that everyone gravitates towards. The more understated type of sun ray ( the better one ).

Elle has this special way of making a person feel so comfortable you would swear you have known her  for your entire life even if you just met her. There is also no such thing as an awkward conversation with Elle she can just chat and chat and chat. 

Now I know what your probably thinking "oh she sounds like and absolute pain in the ass" but trust me she's not. She is not the kinda sunshine girl like in the movies, the one who has to greet every single person in the hallways each morning and the one who is just plain naive, to put it simply. She is the kind of girl who is smart enough to know not everyone want to talk but she still manages to make someone smile whenever they have a conversation with her, she is the one you would never be scared to ask a question to in class, or ask to borrow a pen from. 

Another thing about Elle is I genuinely don't think she has any enemies. 

I know I do. I mean I feel as if there is always someone that just annoys you, maybe it's something they have done or sometimes it's just for no reason. Whether it's a teacher, someone in your school, your sibling, a coach or team member there is always at least one. But I am yet to experience Elle really give out about someone (like I spend half my time doing). Like I have never seen her proper rant about a person. 

I think if you were to ask me what my favourite childhood memory , and kind of teenage memory I guess you could say, considering we did them from when we were babies to 16 years old, would have to been dinners with Elle and her family. They were just one of those special things that you remember all the little details about. The perfect outfits, having to make sure my room was cleaned within an inch of its life, and how everyone seemed genuinely happy.  I miss them already. So does Elle.

The only other person I love as much as Elle is Archie. 

Archie and I have been dating for four years now. We met in school at the winter dance and the rest is history.

Archie is tall with light brown fluffy hair. He has big brown eyes and tanned skin. He's handsome. 

 I would say Archie is a lot more outgoing than me but he never fails to bring out the more social version of myself which I love.I feel like everyone needs someone that can help them achieve that. A better version of themselves. 

I would say Archie is similar to Elle in some ways. 

Archie is on the football team. To be honest I got lucky with Archie. Alot of the players on the football team are just assholes. It's the Senior team so it's a combination of the really good Juniors and Seniors. The only actually nice people on the team are the Juniors. Except Oliver but we won't get into that now. 

I love getting to play sports with Archie because sport is one of my favourite hobbies. I have tried over my 17 years of life to learn as many sports as I possibly can from football and tennis to squash and volleyball. I feel like my love of sport probably started when I was trying to impress my brothers when I was little. 

I have twin brothers. They are four years older than me. There names are Ryan and Cooper. I love my brothers. I never really felt like they loved me. 

So that's when I tried to impress them. 

Little 6 year old me would spend hours in my back garden perfecting football or field hockey tricks that I could show them so that they would think I was cool and bring me places with them. Poor Elle would just sit there watching patiently. But to little Carmens disappointment neither  Ryan nor Cooper would even stop for one second to watch. It broke my heart. 

My parents would try sit them down now and again some days and tell them all I wanted them to do was watch. But they never listened. 

Now that I'm older I still love my brothers and I think they love me but there is a tiny tiny part of me that won't forgive them for breaking little Carmens heart time after time after time. I suppose the only good thing that came out of those years spent trying to impress them was the realisation that I absolutely adore sports and working out . It's something I still do to this day. 

Gym class. 

My absolute favourite. 

That's the only thing me and Elle disagree about. 

One things that's hard about having a boyfriend and a best best best friend is time management. I have to make sure that both of them get an equal amount of time with me. Elle is really understanding. Elle has been through a lot this summer but Elle being Elle, she doesn't want to ask for help ever. Elle tends to box things up in her mind and not think about them no matter how important it might be to think about them. Until eventually her anxiety makes all the boxes explode.  

Elle has always had a little bit of anxiety but I have never seen it this bad. After what happened at the start of the summer she didn't want to leave her house or meet up with anyone ( except me ) which is understandable of course, given the situation. I was really worried about her. 



I think Muffin is one of the best things that has ever happened to Elle. 

Getting Muffin gave Elle a reason to leave her house , for walks, go to the shops, to buy muffin food, meet up with some friends, so that muffin can be socialised and muffin just makes her happy. It's hard for muffin not to make everybody happy. I mean look at her. 

But unfortunately for Elle Muffin can't go to school with her and Elle is refusing to tell any teachers or ever the adorable Ms Perry ( the guidance counsellor ) what has happened. So it's safe to say I'm a bit worried about going back. 

All Elle needs to know is I will be with her every step of the way (even if she thinks she doesn't need me ). 

Family dinner with Elle and Carmen vibe 

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Second chapter 

I seriously need a friend like Carmen. Anyways. 

Thought it would be nice to add a different Pov early on in the story. Sorry if the first two chapters were a bit repetitive. 


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