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Eleni's Pov

It's the morning after my little dinner with Olly. Meaning it's the day of the away game. The dinner didn't last too long because obviously Olly had to get ready for today. 

I get up and walk to my wardrobe trying to choose an outfit. Last match Carmen chose it. 

I pick out the school jersey and I pair it with a beige cargo skirt. I put on my white air forces and I curl my hair leaving it fully down. I drown myself in gold jewellery and start on some simple but cute makeup. I grab my bag with my essentials and go down to muffin. I have a little chat with her before I have to leave for my bus. I'm getting the bus to the school grounds and then I will get on the football team bus to the away game. 

Carmen is going to be going to the match as well but she will be driving with Sara and Juliet, Allies not going to the match. I am still a little upset about last night but I'm gonna try forget about it. We still haven't got the chance to talk to each other since she left with Archie last night. I arrive at the school and walk to the football pitches where I can see coach taking a name check to see who still hasn't arrived. I walk up to him and he ticks my name off the list. 

It's now 8.25 so he tells everyone  to just get on the bus . I'm last in the line which means I have to sit at the top of the bus alone. Great. Lucky for me the journey isn't too long and being at the front means I get off first. 

After all getting off the bus we walk towards the football stadium. It's already busy. To be fair to our school they pulled through so there is an even spread of our school colours and the opposing  teams colours. I have been asked to keep track of any injuries throughout the game. 

I look up to the stands and see Carmen. As if she could tell she looks down at me. She quickly looks away and so I do too. I hate this. I hate not chatting to her about everything. I don't know what I did wrong. 

The game begins and it's already tense. The crowd is ten times louder than the last game. The opposing team are actually really good. I'm not going to pretend I know what's going on but  all I know is that it's half time and are team are behind at the moment. This is a position coach doesn't  like to be in. 

We go into the changing rooms for half time and coach is livid. I have never seen him this mad. He even goes so far as to name and shame people for mistakes they made. As much as it was awful for the players. I think it's probably what they needed. 

They all went on to the pitch and played ten times better than they did in the first two quarters. Our team managed to take the win which was good.

I'm sitting on the sideline bench after the game writing down the names of the players on a sheet so I can write beside each one the injuries and keep things organised. I look up only to see the last two people I would choose to talk to right now. 

Jake and Jane. 

I didn't even know they knew each other but here we are. 

I look up at them both. 

The both stand right I front of me. 

"You do know nobody actually likes you" jane says to my face. 

This hurts. I've never done anything wrong to hurt Jane and I genuinely thought she was a nice girl in the beginning.

At this point the celebrations on the pitch have ended and the rest of the team are standing in ear shot. They are doing their own thing but at this point Jane is talking loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Everybody just tolerates you because they feel like they can't tell you how fucking annoying you are cause you have a dead dad". 

My heart drops. 

Who told her. 

Tears stream down my face. 

The whole team turns around in shock after what Jane said. 

None of them knew either. 

Now they do. 

I get up to leave. 

"Oh poor baby hey why don't you run to your dad, oh wait he's dead, that's not something you can do is it" and with that she bursts out laughing. 

I don't look back. 

I don't know where I'm going but I just keep walking. I get inside the sports bulging and that's when I see a bathroom. I run in to the bathroom running towards one of the stalls. I lock it and cry. I cry and cry and cry until I can't tell how long it's been. I could have been in here for 10 minutes or 2 hours, I don't know. 

I hear someone walk in. They walk straight down to my stall and knock on the door. 

"Elle" I hear them say. It's Oliver. Oh dear. 

"Olly" I say opening the door the tears streaming faster down my face as I run into his arms. I didn't really think about what I was doing until it was done. 

"They all know now Olly what am I going to do" "How did she know" I say the words coming out shakily and quiet. 

"I'll make sure everything is ok Elle, trust me"

He wraps his arms around me. Gently rubbing my back with his free hand. After a few minutes of me just crying he lifts me up and puts me on the counter in between the sinks. He grabs a tissue and stands himself in between my legs. 

He holds my chin gently in one hand and with the tissue slowly wipes the dripping mascara off my face. I just look at his pretty eyes and his focused face. He then throws away the tissue and turns me around on the countertop so I am facing the mirror. I cross my legs and sit. 

Due to the height difference he is still a good bit taller than me. It is then that he takes the spare bobbin off my wrist placing it on his and he starts to braid the pieces of wet hair that were stuck to my neck from the tears. He ties of the end of the braid and looks at me in the mirror. I look back at him. 

"Thank you" I say still looking at him in the mirror, the words coming out as a whisper. 

"Anything for you darling" he says still looking right back at me. 

That's when I knew I had fallen in love with Oliver Matthews and there was nothing I could do about it. 

This scene vibes 

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Hola bbys 

Lwk adore this chpt 

Hope u do too 


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