What's wrong

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Oliver's Pov

It's a Fridays night. 

Coach has asked anyone on the team who is seriously hoping for a scholarship to stay back and one of the college scouts will be coming in to talk to us about what is needed for a scholarship. 

I'm stressed. 

All my life I have pinned all my hopes on getting a full football scholarship and eventually going on to become a player in the NFL. It's all I have ever wanted. When anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up the answer was never anything but a football player. The main reason I am stressed is I feel like when you are younger you can go around and say you want to be a football player and get a scholarship, but I am at the point in my life now where I have to do something about it. I have to play well in all my matches and make sure my fitness and skills are up to standard. 

I'm on my way to the main school building after having been with coach all afternoon filling in paperwork for him. 

I can see Archie in the distance. 

We still haven't spoken since the away game. As much as I want to be talking to him again both of us are too stubborn to make the first move and apologise or arrange to talk to each other. I step into our lecture theatre and sit in a random seat. Most other peoples parents are hear but my mum is minding Phoebe and my dad is working long hours tonight so I just went alone. 

My nerves kick in. 

This has been my dream. 

It has to happen. 

I'm leg is bouncing up and down. 

The college scout comes in and walks over to the stage area. He begins his talk and I listen to every little detail. He talks about what he looks for when he is watching games and how someone might b good but they are not willing to be taught how to be better. 

At the end coach brings me over to him and introduces me. 

"So this is my best player Oliver Matthews" coach says patting me on the back. 

"Ahhh Oliver think I have seen you play a few times" he says shaking my hand. 

"Oh really" I say genuinely surprised. 

"Ye you are the quarterback" 

"That's me" 

Coach walks away leaving just the two of us. 

"So your looking for a scholarship"

"Ye I am, I know I'm not a senior yet but it would be amazing to get one in my junior year" "takes a whole lot of pressure of" i tell him. 

"You just never know Oliver I'll keep a good eye out for you just keep trying your best" he says looking at me. 

"Thanks" I say to him. 

I turn around to leave and just before I do the college scout  calls out to me. 

"Oliver just before you go can I say one thing" 

"Ye of course" 

"Are you overtraining or something you look exhausted"

"Oh um no I um didn't get much sleep" i say becoming increasingly self conscious. 

I want to leave. 

"Oh ok well just remember overtraining will do no good for you" he says before turning to leave. 

That's when I started to panic. I walk outside. 

Was i training to much ?

What i sabotaging my chances of a scholarship ?

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