First day

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Eleni's Pov 

Morning of the first day back. 

I can already feel the butterflies in my stomach. I'm nervous. I've never been nervous for school. Why am I nervous. 

I hear a knock on the door and when I open it there stands Carmen and Archie. Both in their perfect uniform with big smiles on their faces. 

"Hey Elle" they both say in unison. 

"Hey guys come on in I just have to get ready I will meet you in the living room in 10"

They step inside as I run up the stairs and start to put on my uniform. God it feels weird to put it on. It feels like this summer has been years long. I had straightened my hair last night so I just brushed it out. I quickly washed my face put on super basic makeup and grabbed my shoes. I usually don't wear makeup to school but it's the first day back and everyone wants to look like they had a little glow up over the summer. 

I run down the stairs. Give muffin her breakfast and grab my bag. Carmen grabs my hand as we walk out to Archie's car. 

He told Carmen he would drive her to school. 

She told him only if I can get a ride with them too which he agreed to considering we only live 10 minutes away from each other (less in the car).

Carmen sits in the front with Archie driving and I sit in the back. I can't stop my leg from bouncing up and down. I'm getting more and more nervous by the second. As if she can read my mind Carmen puts her hand back for me to hold and she gives it a squeeze. 

Giving each others hand a squeeze is a thing we have done since we are little. It's our way of saying you're gonna be ok without actually saying it out loud. So of course I give her hand a little squeeze back. 

She then lets go of my hand and that's when I realise we are here. We pull in the gates of the school. Archie tells us to get out and he will go find a parking space. We hop out and there everyone is. There is people sitting in there groups of friends everywhere. 

Each year it is an unwritten rule that nobody goes into the school until the bell actually rings on the first day. This is so everyone gets a chance to talk to everyone and catch up before we have to go in for assembly. Assembly on the first day is when we get our timetable and locker numbers.  This is my favourite thing to do. I love chatting. 

I am snapped out of my day dream when Carmen pulls me over to our friend group. Me and Carmen are in a little girl group of five. 

Me, Carmen, Juliet, Sara and Allie. 

I love being part of it because it means the chances of being in a class with no one you know are slim to none. All of the girl are so nice as well. I met them in the student council and they invited me to sit with them for lunch (of course I brought Carmen) and now it's been 2 going onto our third year and we are all still friends. We all squeal and run to hug each other. 

"Heyyy guys" I say 


"Hi girlies"

"Hola chicas"

They all reply. We sit down on the steps up to the entrance of the school. 

"So what did you get up to this summer" Juliet asks me. The question I was dreading. The one that I hadn't planned an answer to. They question I was hoping people would forget to asks. My throat goes dry and my body freezes.

Of course I love Juliet, Sara and Allie but I am nowhere near as close with them as I am with Carmen, she is my number one, so for some strange reason I just really didn't want to tell them what happened this summer and Carmen said that it was fine and I didn't have to tell them anything I didn't want to. So I just never told them. 

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