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Eleni's Pov 

I've had a really quiet weekend. With Carmen being away I haven't gone out much. I have been spending my time at home planning my winter ball idea and being with muffin. I went to the football teams training sessions but unless they have a match weekend sessions are the easier ones. 

Of course I've told muffin all about Oliver. There is something about him that makes me want to be around him all the time. I want to get to know him. It's apparent that he doesn't tend to give much away. 

I still can't believe he knows. 

The more I have been thinking about the fact that Oliver knows the more I have realised how much I miss my dad. 

My dad died at the beginning of this summer in a really awful car crash just the day before my birthday. Apparently a truck broke a red light and drove straight into the front of his car. It broke my heart. My dad was my absolute best friend. If anyone asked what I wanted to be when I was older little me would always reply with "I want to be just like my dad". He did everything with me. If I wasn't with my dad I was at school or with Carmen but every other second was spent with my dad. 

He was the person who helped the most with his anxiety. Of course it was no where near as bad as it is now but I still had my moments when I was younger. 

My dad was the perfect human. He would go to the end of the earth to give me what I wanted. Little did he know just having him around was enough for me. 

I've never really had a relationship with my mum. She didn't want to have a child with my dad. She found out she was pregnant and my dad begged her to stay together with him for my sake. All throughout my childhood she treated him horribly. She would ignore him like he wasn't even there. She would ignore his birthday and get rid of any gifts he ever gave her. She would ignore me most of the time too. It was just me and my dad and that was fine by me. 

I found out she was cheating on him 2 weeks before he died. To be honest it didn't shock me. I was just angry. I didn't understand why she had to cheat. She should have just had the decency to tell him she had feelings for someone else. It's not like she ever pretended to have feelings for my dad. 

Then the two weeks after I found out about him cheating I got knock on the door. Officer Matthews was standing there. I had seen officer Matthews around before he was the police man for our area. He stared at his feet, anxious look on his face. 

"Eleni I'm beyond sorry but your dad has been in a horrible car accident and died on the scene"

My heart stopped. I froze. Tears uncontrollably falling down my face. I drop down on my knees and cry. Not a single noise. Not a sound would come out. That's when I felt arms around me. Officer Matthews had dropped onto his knees to hug me. I cried and cried and cried in his arms until Carmen and her family arrived. I don't think officer Matthews will ever realise how grateful I am for him staying with me. I had no one else. 

I think the worst part is the fact that I didn't get to tell him how much I loved him and give him one last hug. He was my everything and after he died a part of me died too. A part of me I won't ever get back. 

When my mum found out my dad died she disappeared. I later found out she moved in with her new boyfriend and they were starting their own new family. It hurt. Part of me wanted her to come back to stay with me. But she didn't. I thought she forgot about me until the day she came back to tell me that she wanted me for Christmas. I didn't know how to feel. 

I go to his grave often. I bring muffin from time to time. I go to him when I feel really upset or miss him. I always bring daisies they were his favourite. 

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