Carry on

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Eleni's Pov 

My day has been a blur. It's Monday the day after my first game day and I don't know what I did. I have spent the whole day in my own thoughts. Worrying. Whenever I sit down questions flood my mind. 

Does he actually know ?

Did he tell anyone ?

Does anyone else know ?

Should I ask him ? 

Will he ask me ?

It's the end of the day. Student council time. I'm actually somewhat excited for student council. It's a time of the day when I can get my mind off everything. I walk in and sit down. I'm greeted by the girls and everyone else that is there, I failed to mention earlier on that altogether there is now 9 people in the group. A really lovely girl and her twin brother and his best friend joined. I don't know them very well but they all seem lovely. 

In walk Oliver and Archie. 

The meeting begins. 

"So everyone now that we have put out the posters on each year noticeboard with the events on this year, thank you Archie and Oliver" Juliet says with a small smile of thanks. 

"We are now going to move onto Winter dance preparation, I know it seems a while away but a lot more needs to be done than you think", "so with that maybe we can all brainstorm some theme ideas and don't forget about the little special element we include each year". 

I smile. I'm so excited for the winter dance. 

Everyone starts thinking and writing down some thoughts. The idea is you come up with ideas for the dance theme and special element and next week we are all going to present them to the group. After that we take a group vote and whichever is the best wins. 

My idea is that we do it snow themed. I know it sounds basic but we could have fairy lights all over the ceiling for the snow falling effect. Then everyone can wear white. This can give everyone a bit more freedom when it comes to what they wear because you can wear a two piece or a long dress or a short dress but they will all be white so you won't feel uncomfortable wearing something that makes you comfortable if you get what I mean.  

I haven't really thought of a special element yet but we can get to that. I have time. 

Just like that the meeting was over. Everyone has been so consumed in coming up with ideas that we didn't even notice the time fly by. 

Just as I'm about to leave I get stopped by someone. 


"When are we going to do the project" he says with the most unenthusiastic tone I've come across. 

"Oh hi um I guess we can do it whenever" " Does tomorrow after practice work for you" 

"Sure" he says looking down at me. 

Oliver was good looking. I couldn't deny it. He is a lot taller than me so I'm always slightly looking up at him. Ye has gorgeous brown eyes. You wouldn't notice them unless you look properly. I would be lying if I said I haven't always had a small crush on him but I always knew nothing would come of it. He has made it clear that he doesn't like me. And that's fine I guess. 

Carmens Pov 

I'm at her door knocking. 

It's 7.30 and I'm greeted by an adorable looking Elle . She has her uniform and the cutest half up half down with a little dark red bow. She hops down her front step and pulls me in for a hug . 

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