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Eleni's POV

I go to a local private school 20 minutes from my house. I live in the smallest little town. I like it there I guess.

The town I live in has always reminded me of Stars Hollow in the show Gilmore Girls. It's perfect. It's one of those everyone knows everyone towns, there is always events on and it is without fault in every season of the year. 

In summer there is kids with lemonade stands everywhere and the vintage ice cream shop is full. 

In spring the florist makes an adorable display outside the shop. 

In autumn the leaves make the town a scene out of Gilmore Girls. 

In winter it snows a prefect even layer of snow just enough to coat the whole town. 

There is a market every Sunday if the weather is allowing and there is often town meetings to discuss matters or to talk about upcoming events. 

The best way I can possibly describe my relationship with school is that I love my school but I don't like school in general. What I mean is it's not my school that is the problem it's the early mornings, class, homework, assessments that kinda thing. I would dislike it if I was in any school if you get what I mean. 

One of the things I like about school is helping people. I think helping people is possibly my favourite thing to do. You need me to give you the homework, I have it, need me to help make up a lie to get you out of class I already made one up, wanna sit and talk for the whole of lunch, what do you wanna talk about, heard some gossip, omg do tell me .This applies to literally anyone in my school. I just love people. I don't hate a single sole out there. 

I have never really struggled with school. My grades have always been above average. I have always done any extra credit being given that kinda thing.

I have been part of the student council for 2 years in a row. I like the idea of organising fun things for people to do and that I get to know loads of stuff before other people. It makes me less anxious when I know what to expect each week. We make decisions about fundraisers and my favourite part of being in the student council is that we get to plan the winter dance in our school. 

The winter dance is a really big deal.

The last 2 years I have done it the whole student council had to put in hours upon hours of work to make it perfect. Usually we come up with a special element. For example one year we had the teachers bring someone of their choice whether it be there partner, sister, brother or best friend they could choose and bring them to the dance so that they could enjoy it as well as the students. It was a huge success so it  just became  a thing that each year there is a special element or something different at the dance that you wouldn't see in any other school.

I have always got on well with the teachers especially Ms Perry the guidance counsellor. She is one of those teachers that understands the students. I'm sure other teachers understand too but they sure never act like they do. She often will bring student to her office and just ask how they are doing and if she can help them in any way. 

She has a big office just off the library. It has lots of couches in it and she always has lots of little sweet jars around the room. From time to time she brings in her chocolate Labrador Marlo. I think Marlo is partially the reason I got Muffin.  I love my chats with Ms Perry. She always been a bit suspicious that I might have anxiety but I just deny it every time. She doesn't need to know.  Nobody needs to know. 

I don't have a problem with any subject but gym class.

I hate it.

I just can't do it.

Carmen can.

But I can't.

So I don't.


Our school is an old building with ivy growing along the exterior walls. There are large trees all around campus and the library is a work of art. The library is where the student council meetings are held. 

 Each class is still old style with singular desks and chalkboards, the classrooms have big wooden doors and there isn't your typical educational posters on the walls instead they are replaced with the awards the teacher who's classroom it is has won (a bit cocky I know) . The staircases are all huge with the steps being made out of marble . Each hall has the highest ceilings and the school walls are covered in old portraits and landscape paintings.

We have nice uniform, which the teachers are beyond strict about us wearing (lunchtime detention if any element of the uniform is wrong). The uniform is a navy and white plaid skirt with a navy blazer, School crest on the chest pocket and white shirt, along with your choice of black shoes and white socks. Most people wear black loafers or black ballet flats. 

For gym class we wear white tennis skirts with a v-neck navy polo and white trainers with strictly no logos on them (don't even ask me why).

The school have considered modernising the place on multiple occasions but thought it would be nicer to leave it as is. Which I highly agree with. I think it's beautiful. My school can be quite a peaceful place to be.

I'm going into my Junior this year as I just turned 17.

I have had the worst summer of my life, nobody but Carmen and Muffin know that, and nobody else needs to know that.

So I am using school as my distraction and going back to my sunshine self. The way it should be. 

The town 

The town 

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Sorry guys this chapter is a bit short but ye 

Love u all xx 

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