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Eleni's Pov 

I'm walking into school with Carmen after getting a lift for her and Archie. I don't think him and Oliver have spoken the last few days. Carmen told me they had a fight but that Archie wouldn't tell her the details. 

I'm walking down the corridor towards my locker to my classroom. I walk into the room. I'm a few minutes early but figure that I may as well just wait. I walk in and find one other person in there. 


As I walk closer I realise her has dark circles under his eyes, his skin appears pale, a contrast to his usual perfect tan. His hood is up and he just looks utterly  exhausted. 

It's history class so my assigned seat is beside him. I walk towards the back where the seat is and sit dow. He doesn't look at me. 

"Are you ok"

"I'm fine why" he says very obviously annoyed. 

"Oh I was just wondering" i say and get no response. 

"You excited for Christmas" I say trying to lighten the mood. That's when he takes out his AirPods and puts them in, ignoring me. 

I was hurt. I genuinely thought that we had gotten really close .He introduced me to his sister and even brought me to dinner.  Especially after he helped me so much at the away game but apparently none of that meant anything.  

Finally everyone else arrives for class. Breaking the horrible silence between us . 

I go through the day still disappointed about Oliver this morning but I try forget about it. Me and Carmen go home together because football training was cancelled due to the awful weather. We decided to do a little study afternoon with muffin considering it's been so long since we have done one together, it's also been too long since we last studied. 

"I have decide-

"Oh dear" I say before Carmen can finish. 

She bursts out laughing. 

"Ok so if you will let me finish I have decided me and you are going to a party tonight" 

"I don't know" I say as I continue writing. 

"Come on Elle it's been so long" she says giving me the puppy eyes. 

"Ok fine" I say looking up from my essay and smiling. 

We both jump out of our seats and run to my wardrobe. Muffin chasing after us. 

"Ok should we match" Carmen says scanning my wardrobe. 

"I mean why not" I say also inspecting my wardrobe. 

I open one of my drawers and there I spot the perfect outfits. We decide on sparkly silver mini skirts, and considering it is the middle of winter and the party is a bonfire we pair it will cowboy boots and matching grey knit sweaters. We don't bring jackets considering we have knit sweaters on. We each take a mini bag and start walking towards the field. 

We are lucky in that the weather has completely cleared up and it's no longer raining. 

These bonfire parties are held multiple times a year and anyone is the town from the ages 16 -20 are invited. Considering it's a small town the place doesn't get overcrowded but here is still an awful lot of people there. 

There aren't set dates for when the bonfire parties happen so if you suggest it you have to organise it. Carmen and I organised one last year that was a huge success but it was pretty stressful considering everyone has to try bot get caught. 

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