Back Again

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Oliver's Pov 

Is a few days after Christmas and training is all ready back again. Most of the other sports in the school get some more time off but our coach is pretty strict about getting back to training as fast as we can. Considering we have matches coming up soon it is probably only fair that we all come back asap. 

Being at training means I will see Elle again. 

I haven't seen her since Christmas Day. She sent me plenty of thank you texts after the whole Christmas Day thing but I haven't physically seen her. 

I want to see her. 

There is genuinely something about this girl that I can't explain. She's perfect. I've never to constantly spend time with one person. 

I have trained for the entire winter break. I can't let my fitness go down. I haven't eaten any bad food for the whole break either. My dad keeps asking how much I'm doing but there is no way I can tell him, he will make me stop again. 

 I arrive up at training and there she stands. Looking beautiful as always. She is refilling out water bottles for the session. She looks over at me and her pretty smile spreads across her face. 

Before I can go over to talk to her the whistle blows 

Fuck of 

I jog over to coach where he tells us that for this training session we will be doing fitness. Shit. I have been training fitness for the whole winter break so this is going to be exhausting. I bring my stuff into the changing rooms with the rest of the team and get ready. 

We all walk out together and get ready to get started. 

Fitness trainings usually consist of running around the pitch until you can't keep going or the training is over. You are allowed to take breaks but coach absolutely hates when anyone does so nobody bothers. 

We start running.

 I feel fine. 

We go around and around and around. I find doing fitness at school training harder than when I'm doing it myself, the constant running around the same pitch and not being able to listen to anything but your heartbeat and the sound of your own breathing is a struggle. Some team members run over to Elle for some water but I really am pushing myself to keep going, coach won't want me to stop. . It's when I get to about half way that things start to get bad. 

My legs feel heavy and my hands start to shake. My breathing gets faster and it feels like I am working way harder than I was before just to keep moving. My vision starts to get slightly blurry and then when I decide to save myself the embarrassment of fainting on the pitch and go over to Elle. 

Eleni's Pov

I see Oliver start to slowly jog towards me. He looks shaky. Like he might fall. 

He runs over and immediately sits down on the bench beside me with his head in his hands between his knees. 

His breathing is heavy. 

"Oliver are you ok" I say rubbing his back as he is leaning over. 

"No Elle I don't think so" he whispers. 

"Do you want to leave for a minute until you feel a bit better" I say hoping he is not going to faint or something. 

"Please" he says still not looking up. 

I take his hand and slowly help him get up off the bench. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk together into a singular changing room. I close the door and lock it before walking over to him. 

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