All together

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Eleni's Pov 

It's the 15th of December. 10 days before Christmas. 5 days before the Winter Ball. 

Oliver and Archie finally made up and are talking again like nothing ever happened. The group is all together. Finally 

We have decided to all go Christmas shopping together because Carmen wants to get her dress for the ball and all of us want to get Christmas presents. 

I don't really have anyone to shop for. 

I decide that it's only right if i get my mum a gift. I mean she is my mum and she has decided to invite me to Christmas whether I like it or not. The unfortunate thing for me is I barely know her. My whole childhood was spent with my dad, she wanted nothing to do with me. 

That's when it hit me. I know what to get her. 


There was this one perfume my mum used religiously when I was younger. I go to the shop where I think I can find it with Carmen, I spot the display case where I can see the pink bottle. I ask the girl behind the counter could I smell it. 

She hands me the bottle and I spray a bit on my wrist. It just then all the memories come flooding back. 

I see my mum standing there. Her hair done, makeup on and she's all dressed up. I'm six years old. She tells me to get out of her room. I ask her where she is going and she tells me that's he is going to see a person she actually likes spending time with. It was at this moment that I realised she was seeing somebody else. It all made sense. She never wanted to be with dad and she certainly didn't want to have me either. 

Carmen stands there patiently. 

"Is that the right one" she says to me confused at my sudden silence. 

"Oh ye it's the one ahah" I say trying to laugh it of. 

I quickly bring a bottle of it to the till and pay. We walk out of the shop and are met by Oliver and Archie who were buying presents for Archie's brother. We decide to go and get food. We are walking towards the nearest restaurant. It's roughly a 10 minute walk from town.  It's Italian. 

"What are you gonna get Phoebe" I say to Oliver as he walks beside me. 

"I have no idea" "who knew shopping for a 3 almost 4 year old girl would be so hard"

"Come on Oliver surely there is something she wants"

"No I'm completely lost" he says. His face looks genuine. 

"Ok how about you go shopping with her and she will probably point out something she likes, then you just go back another day and buy it for her" i say to him. 

"Your not as dumb as you look" he says giving me a big smile and laughing. 

I gasp, pretending to be shocked and give him a dig in the shoulder. By then we have just arrived at the restaurant. We are given a cute table in the corner. We all order and are just waiting. 

"So, what's next on the list" Archie says, referring to all the shopping we have to do. 

"My winter ball dress" Carmen says with a squeal. 

"Omg yes of course" I say leaning across the table to give her hand a squeeze. On the inside it hurts I can't be buying a dress with her, but I guess it wasn't meant to be . I just have to help Carmen find the perfect one.   

By the time we finish out pizza we are fully ready to go again. We walk towards the most adorable little dress shop on the other side of town. The building itself has been painted fully white except for a little light pink door. The dresses in the windows have lace and tule all over them. This is Carmen and I's idea of heaven. 

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