50. A Brush with Fate.

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Taehyung read her message and reassured her, "No, it doesn't hurt anymore. And having you here makes me feel even better." Y/n felt her cheeks flush at his words, and even Taehyung couldn't help but notice her adorable blush.

Their exchange was a testament to the bond they shared, one that spoke volumes without uttering a word.

She typed again, her words laden with curiosity and concern, "Taetae, why do you choose this scary job?"

His smile faded, his gaze drifting to her delicate hand resting on his cast. Meeting her eyes, he unraveled the somber truth behind his profession.

"Do you know, y/n, why I've chosen this path?" She shook her head, her expression a canvas of innocence and inquiry. With gentle resolve, he clasped her hand in his, preparing to reveal the depths of his motivation.

"It's because of Maria, when she took my dad from us. Everyone knew, even the authorities, yet no one extended a helping hand. My mother and I pleaded at the police station every day, but our pleas fell on deaf ears. That's when I resolved to become a police officer, to seek justice for my father's untimely demise."

Y/n absorbed his words with empathy, her heart swelling with understanding and affection. With a tender smile, she drew closer, enfolding him in a tender embrace, mindful of his injury. Her arms encircled his sturdy frame, offering solace akin to the warmth he had always provided.

She caressed the back of his head with a soothing touch, mirroring the tenderness he had shown her countless times. Taehyung felt tears welling in his eyes, overwhelmed by the comfort and rush of emotions. Yet, her lavender scent enveloped him, soothing his turbulent thoughts. He instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist, drawn to the sweet and calming aroma that enveloped them both.

A flurry of butterflies danced within him as he realized the delicate curve of her waist in his embrace. Heat surged into his cheeks at the realization, lingering as she withdrew from the embrace, leaving him lost in the beauty of the moment.

Taehyung gazed at her adorable face, marveling at the purity and innocence that radiated from within her. In that moment, he understood the profound impact she had on his life, igniting a sense of purpose and warmth that he held close to his heart.

With a gentle smile playing on her lips, y/n typed, "It's okay, Taetae. I know you'll find her and make her pay. You're the best!" Her words carried a sense of unwavering support and trust as she held his hand in both of hers, her touch comforting and reassuring.

Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at her response, his heart warming at her unwavering faith in him. Her simple yet profound words lifted his spirits, reminding him of the strength and determination he possessed to seek justice for his father's untimely demise.

Returning her smile, Taehyung watched with amusement as y/n reached into her pockets, retrieving a handful of chocolates. Her spontaneity and adorable gesture brought a genuine laugh to his lips, marveling at her innocence and sweetness even in the face of adversity.

Accepting the chocolates with gratitude, Taehyung felt a surge of affection for y/n, her presence bringing lightness to his heart amidst the darkness of his circumstances. In that moment, as they shared laughter and chocolate, Taehyung cherished the simple yet profound bond they shared, grateful for her unwavering support and unwavering belief in him.

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