Faint - Zianourry

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Zayn tried to stand up slowly from the comfortable mattress and felt an instant pain tackle his head.

"Ow." Zayn moaned as all four of his boyfriends tried to straighten the sick boy.

"Maybe you shouldn't go to the concert tonight." Louis suggested. Worries wrinkles ran along his forehead.

"Louis's right, Zayn." Liam agreed. He let the older boy lean against him and Liam felt for his temperature. "You don't look too good and you're burning up. Maybe you should just stay home and rest."

"No." Zayn was quick to say. He gritted his teeth and faked a cheerful smile as he forced himself to stand up on his own. The Bradford boy felt his brain ache and his body was resisting the act of movement, but he chose to ignore the pain. "I'm fine. See?"

His boyfriends looked at their ill-stricken bandmate suspiciously, but shrugged their shoulders anyway, if Zayn said he was fine, then they were to believe he was fine.

Boy, was that a mistake.


"You ready, boys?" Niall asked backstage. He clapped his hands together and threw all the members of One Direction a confident smile. "30,000 people are out there. We can do this."

Zayn wasn't so sure he could. He felt an on-going pain in his head that hadn't stopped since they left the hotel room. His stomach felt empty and hallow, like he hadn't eaten anything in days. Sweat dropped down his forehead like rain and he hadn't even stepped on stage yet.

"You alright, babe?" Harry asked. Concern filled his face.

"Fine." Zayn kept up the 'cool' act. He didn't want his boyfriends becoming worried about his health when they were already nervous about the concert.

Harry nodded and turned his attention back towards the stage as their cue was announced. They all ran on stage, loaded with energy and ready to perform.

Well, four of them did.

The second Zayn stepped on the ground under the blinding lights, he began to feel faint. The world began to spin, and before he knew it, Zayn was flat on the ground surrounded by his boyfriends.

Noise filled the background. Fans screamed and cried shouts of worry from the audience. Liam and Niall propped their heads up and Harry said something he couldn't understand in the blur. Louis was shouting something to someone backstage, something about water.

SPLASH! A bucket of ice water was thrown at him, and Zayn felt his senses slowly return to normal. Harry had already begun crying while Liam and Louis took him by the arms and off the stage. Damn, his head hurt.

"You okay, baby?" Niall asked him.

"Niall!" Liam hissed. "He's clearly in pain. Give him time."

"We have to take him to the hospital!" Harry yelled through the tears that were streaming down his face.

" No, we will take him home and take care of him. He's going to be alright, Harry. I promise." Louis said, comforting the youngest member.

Though he was too weak to smile, inner thoughts brought a little joy to Zayn, who was completely limp in his bandmates' arms. He really did have the best boyfriends in the world, always looking out for him and each other.

Zayn was really blessed to have the people in his life that he had. He would never forget that.

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