I'm Not Sick.. - Part 4 ( Last )

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When Zayn woke up in the morning, he sat up and saw the rest of the boys asleep cuddled together on either the couch or the floor. Zayn looked over at the time and saw that it was 6. What the hell was he doing up at six for? Zayn only woke up at six if he had somewhere to be, and with the help of an alarm. Just then, Zayn’s stomach decided to answer the question for him. Zayn was again rushing to the toilet, nearly stepping on Niall on the way there. Zayn didn’t know how much longer he could take this. He hated being sick as much as he hated telling people that he was ill.

“Zaynie? You alright, Love?” Zayn looked up to see Louis standing beside him.

Zayn just groaned in response. Louis then picked Zayn up and walked him back to bed, Zayn’s face buried in his shirt the whole way. Apparently they had managed to wake Liam, as he was next to the bed. Louis went back to clean up and make some tea to hopefully make Zayn feel better. Liam, however, climbed into bed alongside Zayn.

“Sick again?” He whispered, trying to let the other two sleep.

Zayn just nodded his head. He felt that if he were to speak, he’d be sick again. Liam sighed and ran his fingers through the poorly feeling lad.

“Want a cuddle?” Zayn just nodded again as Liam scooted closer and wrapped his arms around him.

“You’ll feel better soon, We’ll be sure to take care of you. I’m so sorry you’re feeling ill, Z. I hate seeing any of you in pain and I’m positive the lads feel the same way.”

“Mind if I join you?” Louis said, placing Zayn’s tea on the bedside table. Zayn smiled up at him as he and Liam scooted over to make a little room.

That’s pretty much how it was for almost a week. The boys took care of Zayn and cuddled him when he wanted. The better Zayn felt, the more everyone smiled. They had a doctor come to the hotel to asses Zayn and make sure he wasn’t in need of a hospital. Luckily Zayn wasn’t too bad, but it was still hard to see him struggle.

It was quite hard for the lads to leave Zayn for some hours during the day when they had to work because all they would not be able to focus, instead they worried the whole time about Zayn being okay on his own. Of course they knew Zayn was strong, but they couldn’t help it. Zayn was feeling poorly and they weren’t there to help make his life a bit easier. Whenever they were done however, they would go straight to Zayn’s room to check on him and one of the lads, mainly Liam, would stay with him through the night.

After Zayn was feeling better and on his feet again, the rest of the boys got together to talk.

“Alright, so how are we going to do this?” Louis asked the three in front of him.
They were in his hotel room, giving Zayn time to himself now that he’s better. It was also a good way to talk about Zayn without him hearing.

“Um, I was thinking we could do, like, and intervention?” Harry suggested. He was sitting across from Louis, crisscross on the floor, leaning back on his hands.

“Good idea, Haz!” Liam exclaimed then high fived the long-haired boy.

“Yeah, we could all just say something about the situation like how we feel or summat.” Louis chimed back in.

“An then you can start the ‘lecturing portion’, Li.” Niall smiled.

“Why do I have to do the ‘lecturing’?!” Liam asked. He really couldn’t understand why it was always him.

“Cause you not only have the most patience, but you’re taken seriously. Otherwise we’d make Harry do it.” Niall explained.
So with everything planned out, later that night they set off to Zayn’s room.

Now they were in Zayn’s room. Zayn was on the couch and the other four were sitting in front of him. Zayn looked confused about what was going on but figured he’d find out soon enough.

“Okay, Zaynie, we just want to talk to you about the whole ‘not telling us when you’re sick’ thing. So we’ll talk first then you at the end so you can address anything we said that you want to clear up. ” Harry started. Zayn groaned internally but stayed put because he had expected something of the sorts. Liam did tell him that they’d talk about it.

“Now, I just want to say that I don’t really like it because I sort of feel like I’m not trusted. It’s just, I think we’re close enough for you to tell us these things. And when you don’t, you get all distancey and it kinda sucks.”

Harry then sat down and Louis stood up.

“Well, I just don’t like it because when you don’t tell us, whatever it is just gets worse and instead of stopping it when it isn’t bad, we have to handle it full force which I know sucks for you and I don’t want you to have to feel so horrible, especially when it can be prevented.”

Louis then sat and Niall stood up.

“To be honest, it’s kind of like taking care of a pregnant woman who we didn’t know was pregnant till a month before she gives birth.” The lads then sent him a glare except Zayn who just sat looking thoroughly confused.

“I mean just that we don’t know what you can and can’t do and it just takes us by surprise is all. We really don’t mind caring for you but if we do, I’d rather start from the beginning instead of you having to suffer by yourself for a while beforehand.”

Niall finished then sat as Liam took his place.

“To be honest, I agree with pretty much all of this. Mainly though, Zayn, it’s not just about the way we feel but you as well. If you don’t tell us early on then it can get really bad and I know this time it ddn;t but what happens next time if we aren’t there and you have to be rushed to hospital? What happens if it was easier to treat in the beginning and since you let it get as far as it did you could be damaged permanently from it? Look, I’m not trying to scare you, Z, I just worry.” Liam told him earnestly. “We all do, and it pains us to see you so bad. It would be so terrible to find out you were terribly I’ll, worse than what happened, and we didn’t know about it. So just please, at least for us, tell us in the future, yeah?”

Zayn really didn’t realize how much him not telling them affected the others and it sort of broke his heart.

“I’m so sorry.” Zayn said with his eyes downcast. “I’m sorry you feel like I don’t trust you, Haz, cause I do. You four mean a whole lot to me and I didn’t know you guys felt this way.” Zayn fumbled with his hands that were in his lap a bit. “It wasn’t even that I just didn’t want to tell you lads. It was just because I don’t like feeling so helpless, like I can do things for myself. I know I’m not even thirty yet but I am a grown man and I feel I should be able to take care of myself. I promise to tell you next time though.” Zayn finally looked up, meeting eyes with the others. “I’m truly sorry I made you guys feel that way and really do appreciate the help you guys give me. I actually king of like being taken care of, really. I just felt that I’m not a kid anymore and I should do it for myself.”

“Well now you know that you don’t have to. Everyone needs help sometimes and we are glad to give you a shoulder to lean on.” Harry told him and he stood and pulled Zayn off of the couch. The rest of the boys stood and joined them in a group hug.

Turns out everyone learned something that night and it made thing a lot easier in the long run.

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