Zayn sick but nobody believes - Part 2 (Last)

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Sitting on one of the spinning bar stools in the kitchen, Zayn swallowed for the millionth time, trying to soothe the burning in hjs throat. went it didn't work, he finally decided to check and see if they had any cough drops that might help. He shakily stood up, wincing as his aching legs wobbled under his weight. Zayn stumbled to the cabinet and pulled it open. Grasping the bag labeled cough drops, he reached in it and pulled one out. It also happened to be the last one left.
Zayn just stared at it, before thinking that Harry wouldn't need it because he hadn't been coughing. He was just about to open it when Louis walked in the kitchen. He eyed Zayn, then the cough drop in his hand.
"I'll take that," Louis stated, snatching the medication of his boyfriend's hand.
"Harry has a bit of a tickle in his throat. This'll make sure it won't get worse." Louis explained testily, twirling the cough drop in his hand. When Zayn didn't answer, he became even more infuriated with his boyfriend.
"Why are you not fucking answering? What are you playing at?" They were nose to nose now, and Zayn wanted to answer so bad but he couldn't because his throat was completely clogged up and he was having trouble breathing.
"I.." Zayn stuttered out painfully. Louis glared at him before turning on his heel and stalking off. He stopped but didn't turn around. "Since your obviously not any help here, make yourself useful and go the pharmacy to get medicine for Haz." With that, Louis left, leaving a devastated Zayn feeling more sick and alone than ever.
After just staring at the spot Louis had stood in for about two minutes, Zayn let out a sad, breathy sigh that didn't help his burning throat or his clogged airways. Then, pulling himself together, he walked over to one of the drawers and groped around for his car keys. Once he found them, Zayn left the house, shivering violently. That was strange, considering it wasn't the least bit cold outside.
Zayn climbed into his Range Rover, still trembling as he fumbled with his keys, trying to turn his car on. It took much longer than it should've because he felt like absolute shit right then. Fatigue gripped his body and dragged his weary, aching limbs down. Pain sprouted in his abdomen, and that combined with his chest made his vision all blurry. The sick boy felt as if someone had blowtorched his throat because it was burning so fucking much and breathing was becoming harder by the second and how the hell had he already driven out of their neighborhood?
Focus he thought determinedly.
But even focusing was becoming a hard task because his mind felt like pudding and his reactions were becoming was to slow. Rapid splashing noises broke Zayn away from his tiring thoughts, and he blinked rapidly before noticing that it had started raining. Hard.
Now, the only thoughts running through his head were shitshitshitshitshit, almost in time with the steady thrum of the rain beating down on the windshield.
Zayn slowly stopped at a light and took a deep breath. Which promptly led him to break into a fit of coughing that made him swear one of his lungs were going to come up. A loud honk told him that the light had turned green a and he was holding up traffic. Still hacking and coughing, Zayn kept driving.
Zayn honestly didn't really remember much of what happened next.
The screeching sound of tires on pavement rang out, fueling his pounding headache. Another car swerved around the corner and spun out of control, spinning closer to his own car. Zayn sluggish mind couldn't process what was happening until it was already to late.
The other car spun straight into his Range Rover, smashing his windshield into a billion pieces and shoving them both into the median. The ear piercing sound of metal on metal echoed in his ears and ricocheted around Zayn's brain. Glass was littered on the seats and floor of his upside down car as rain pattered down, soaking everything inside.
There was just so much mind numbing pain and agony. Blood was dripping down his temples and into his eye, blurring Zayn's already shaky vision. The odd part was, he couldn't feel any of it. As a matter a fact, Zayn couldn't feel much of anything. Or taste whatever wet substance was in his mouth. It was either blood, puke, or both. Probably both. The sharp stench of blood and smoke only briefly entered his nose, before suddenly, Zayn couldn't smell anymore. And his hearing was gone, too. The only sense he had left was his sight, and it was like he was looking at everything from underwater.
Deep down in the back of his muddled mind, Zayn knew that this was all actual pretty bad, but he just couldn't really be bothered to care. Zayn was just so damn tired. So fucking exhausted and now sleep was finally ready to claim him. The last he remembered were red flashing lights and distant, panicky voices before he fell into sleep's welcoming arms.

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