Truth - Zianourry

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"Paul will pick you up tomorrow at nine. The signing starts at ten and afterward you have a photoshoot" explained James, one of their managers.

"We'll be ready" promised Daddy Direction before the boys left the studio and walked over to their car to drive home.

"Why do we always have to do a signing? They are always screaming so loud and passing out" complained Zayn as they drove home.

It wasn't that he didn't like signing but lately he felt a little bit sick and just wanted to rest for a few days.

His throat hurt and so did his head. The past few days had been very hard for all of them because they had had a lot to do. Signings, photoshoots, rehearsing for their upcoming tour, and promoting their new album. They left their house early in the morning and didn't get back until late at night.

"Come on it's going to be fun," said Harry and smiled at his boyfriend.

"Yeah sure" the older boy grumbled and looked out of the window instead of joining his boyfriends' conversation.

After the boys arrived at home Zayn walked straight into his bedroom, closed the door behind him, and sat down on his bed. It only took a few moments until there was a knock on his door. He didn't bother to answer because the door opened seconds later and Louis walked in.

Zayn loved all of his boyfriends but had this special bonding with Louis. No matter what he could always talk to him and Louis always knew when something wasn't right. He always listened as Zayn talked about his problems but something was different today.

Louis was tired as hell and Zayn's bitch attitude was annoying him.

"Listen, just because you don't want to go to this signing doesn't mean that you can treat us like you want. Niall is upset now because you didn't even say good night!" Louis said anger latched in his voice.

Zayn sighed and ran his hand through his messy hair. He never wanted to make Niall upset. Niall was very sensible and he felt guilty for making him upset.

"Zayn what's wrong with you?" Louis asked and Zayn ran his hand through his messy hair before he looked up to face his boyfriend.

"I..I'm sorry I just..." he started to explain but a loud crash coming from downstairs stopped him.

Louis was out of his room in the blink of an eye and even Zayn dragged himself downstairs to see what had happened. He stopped as he heard laughter and looked around the corner to see his boyfriends cleaning the kitchen while laughing over something.

"I'm sorry," said Harry in a shaky voice as he looked at the mess he had made while dropping the plate full of food.

"No worries Hazza" Liam quickly reassured him "Let's go and watch a movie, okay?"

Zayn knew that he was forgotten now and that Louis wouldn't come back to talk to him so he made his way back to his room. It didn't take long until he was asleep.


"Good morning" a loud voice yelled and Zayn groaned as he cracked his eyes open.

"Come on time to get up," said Niall and shook his boyfriend who didn't feel like getting up at all. His head was still hurting and so did his throat. He wanted to go back to sleep but Niall had other plans and pulled the blanket off his body.

"Niall no" the older boy whined and flinched as the Irish boy started to scream.

"Boys, Zayn doesn't want to get up" he yelled, and a few seconds later Harry, Liam, and Louis walked into his bedroom.

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