I'm Not Sick.. - Part 3

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After what seemed like hours, Zayn was done being sick and felt a bit too weak to move from his spot in front of the toilet. He didn’t know what that was but didn’t really care. What was really bugging him, is the fact that it happened in front of the boys and there is no way he’s going to be able to hide being sick now. This all just sucked. Why did they have to come up so early in the morning? Why his room? Why did they have to bring lunch? Zayn knew they were just being the kind and thoughtful people they were, but right now he was just wishing they weren’t so much. Soon, he heard some footsteps approaching the door.

“Zayn?” He heard Liam outside the bathroom door. “Can I come in?”

“No,” Zayn panicked a little. “M’alright. I’ll be out in a second!”

“I just want to help, Mate.” Liam said softly before turning the door handle.

There was no way to stop it now. The door was opening and Zayn didn’t even have enough strength to stand. When Liam walked in and saw Zayn on the floor, it was heart wrenching. Zayn looked pale and so so sick. Liam didn’t know why he didn’t just intervene earlier.

“Zaynie.” Liam said shaking his head. He kneeled down where Zayn was and pushed the lad’s hair away from his face. Zayn couldn’t meet Liam’s eyes. He knew he looked like hell considering he felt like it too.

“Hey,” Liam continued. “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” Liam stood from his spot on the floor and went to grab a washcloth. After running it under some warm water, he sat in front of Zayn and wiped his face.

“Thanks.” Zayn mumbled, feeling terribly ill and bad for making Liam have to clean him up.

“Think you can stand?”

“Not without some help.” Zayn mumbled, looking up at Liam.

“Okay, just wait here a second.”

Liam left the room and suddenly everything hit Zayn like a brick. Suddenly, his head was pounding and his vision was swimming. His stomach felt horrible and Zayn didn’t feel like he had enough strength to do anything. Before Zayn could stop it, tears were rolling down his cheeks. He just felt like shit. Zayn absolutely hated feeling so helpless like he did in that moment. He didn’t like needing anyone’s help but he knew he’d have to accept it otherwise he’d be in front of the toilet for a long time. Well that is until he feel asleep. Then, the boys would probably be able to carry him to bed without Zayn fighting back.

Zayn remembered when he was younger, he was the same way. Once he had fallen out of small tree in his mum’s garden. He hit the ground hard and felt a sharp pain in his foot. Now Zayn wasn’t dense, he knew there was definitely something wrong with it. He was just too stubborn to tell anyone about it. He’d gone a whole week limping around when no one could see, and icing it before bed. Soon enough however, his mother took notice and practically forced Zayn to hospital. The doctor told him he had fractured and bruised the bone in his foot and it seemed to be getting worse. Then Zayn had to admit that he had been hiding it or they would think he had a very bad infection. It was one of the most embarrassing moments for him. Almost as embarrassing as the time his sister’s friend caught him singing Chris Brown to himself in the mirror with a hairbrush.
Soon, Liam was back with Harry trailing behind him. The look on Harry’s face had pity written all over it. It was probably because of the tears. There was nothing Zayn could do about it however, so he just wrapped his arms around Liam’s shoulder when prompted to do so. While Liam carried him out of the bathroom, he saw Harry start to clean up the small mess he’s made in there and Zayn felt terrible.

As soon as he was under the covers, Louis was next to him with a cup of tea and Niall with a plate of toast with jam and butter. Zayn thankfully took them both and tried to consume as much as he could possibly keep down.

“You know you guys don’t have to –

“Shhh!” Liam cut Zayn off “Don’t you dare say what you were about to. You are sick and we are helping, I don’t care if you don’t want us to. We’re definitely talking about that later by the way. For now, try and get some rest.”

Zayn sighed in defeat and laid his head down on the fluffy white hotel pillow with a slight frown. The other boys left him be and Zayn watched as they went around his room, picking up the things Zayn had strewn about the place. There were clothes on the floor and on chairs. A few bits of silverware and the plates from the day before sat on the counter. Zayn couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed at how bad he’s let the room get. It wasn’t a disaster, but he usually was a bit tidier. Harry even organized his suitcase, god knows why. As Zayn looked over, he saw Louis on the phone with who he heard was Simon. He was probably telling him Zayn would be out for a few days. Zayn suddenly felt bad for letting down the fans. He knows that for some it will be their first concert and he didn’t want to sound bad for it or possibly not be able to make it. They came to see One Direction, not Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry. Zayn didn’t really get the chance to worry about it too much because his eyes started to get heavy. All of the stress and being sick has seemed to wear him out. Zayn looked over at the lads once more with droopy eyes. They all looked back at him and smiled briefly and Zayn fell asleep.

“We’re gonna have to talk to him about this aren’t we?” Niall said, looking for confirmation.

“Yes, but I want to wait ‘till he’s feeling a bit better.” Liam responded.

“I just don’t get it.” Harry voiced with eyebrows furrowed. He shrugged and looked to the rest.

“I know,” Louis agreed “It’s like he doesn’t want to get better.”

“Innit. I don’t think that’s it though.” Niall said, getting comfortable on the couch.

“Gotta agree with Nialler, I don’t know what it is but I don’t think that’s it.”

“We’ll find out soon enough.” Harry said, plopping down next to Niall as the rest followed suit.

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