Snake Bites - Ziam

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The boys get shipwrecked on an island right after the announcement that Zayn is leaving. He gets bitten by a snake and thinks that the rest are mad at him so he doesn't tell them.

Zayn opened his heavy eyelids, eyelashes brushing the sand away around his eyes. The sun shone brightly down onto the beach making the sand around him scolding hot. He groaned as he pushed himself onto his knees looking around for the rest of his band, well, not his band anymore. Recently the stress had gotten too much for him to handle and it wasn't healthy for him, so he left. He'd stopped eating because he felt like it was the only thing he could control anymore. Honestly Zayn wouldn't be surprised if the boys didn't say anything to him, he's pretty sure they're proper pissed.

He spotted the rest of the boys a couple feet away getting up, Zayn was confused. What'd happened? One minute they were on a boat, he didn't even know why they were on the stupid boat in the first place, and next he's laying on a beach in the middle of nowhere. "Guys?" He heard Niall croak out, all of them responded with a small 'yeah' or a noise to let him know they were there.

"I think the boat crashed.." Harry half spoke to himself.

"Yeah no duh!" Louis spat out sarcastically.

"Is everybody okay?" "Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn?" Liam called out, worrying like always.

Zayn chose not to say anything, not like his bandmates were gonna listen anyways. They probably hated him for just ditching them out of the blue. He had his reasons for leaving, he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Zayn, you good?" Liam spoke just to make sure, even though Zayn had told them he was leaving, and it upset Liam greatly. Zayn was still his boyfriend, and cared for him a whole lot more then he probably should

Zayn hummed in response, not really wanting to talk because he was positive that he was gonna have a breakdown with all of the negative thoughts flooding through his mind.


Zayn trailed behind the rest of them, sulking in his own thoughts and keeping quiet as they walked through the forest looking for a good place to sit and wait until somebody has come to the rescue. Louis' phone was completly dry by some miracle, and after getting an earful from management he was able to tell them what happened, it would just take a while for them to get here because of how far the boys had drifted away from the mainland.

"This is perfect!" Harry cheered as he walked into the small but open clearing slightly inside the outskirts, not wanting to go too deep into the island, after searching for about 10 minutes.

"Okay, now that we found a spot to sit tight in for a while, we stick together. We don't know what lives on this island, its probably dangerous." Liam spoke, being the responsible one. He was known as Daddy Direction most of the time because he always knew what to do.

"I'll be right back, I need a wee." Zayn finally spoke up. He couldn't stand another minute awkwardly standing here with the rest of the boys, and he did kind of have to pee.

"Ok Zee, don't take to long or go to far..." Liam answered softly, feeling the tension between Zayn and the rest of the boys.


Zayn walked a little deeper into the island stopping at a muddy-ish pond. He just needed a couple minutes to calm down and think a little, hopefully to lessen the tight feeling in his heart. He glanced at a mossy and decaying log, and sat down not thinking that anything living could be in the decaying log. He heard a hiss and he immediately panicked, he didn't even think that there would be snakes on this island. Good god how stupid is he?!

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