Appendectomy - Part 2

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The concert was going great so far considering they were missing a member. Liam covered most of Zayn’s parts, sometimes Harry or Louis would fill in. The fans, though upset about Zayn’s condition, were going crazy, singing along to every song, laughing when Harry told a horrible joke, the usual.

Niall was practically glowing as he jumped around, even though he was warned not to considering his knee. This was Dublin they were talking about. If only Zayn were here, then he could say this was his favorite show in the past three years, almost four. He noticed Paul waving to him, and at first he waved back, but then he saw the panic on the security guard’s face.

When he reached Paul he couldn’t hear much; just ‘Zayn…hospital…’ It was enough to get him moving though, enough to alert the others before they ran off stage. He felt horrible for leaving the fans like this but Zayn needed them. He needed them now.


The drive to the hospital was horrible. They’ve driven and flown all over the world for hours at a time but this felt like the longest ride they’ve ever taken.

Louis insisted he drove them, most likely since he could care less about following the laws and sped the whole way there. Liam was tweeting their apologies to the fans but being vague on the reason for leaving so suddenly. Niall and Harry were sat in the back, both unusually quiet. It felt wrong with them not being so loud and carefree. It felt wrong without Zayn.

It was a ten minute drive, mostly because of Louis’ fast driving. Liam was already out the door before Louis could park the car, and the four of them were sprinting to the entrance of the small hospital that Paul said Zayn would be in. They spotted Lou on one of the chairs in the waiting room and quickly made their way to her.

“What happened-“

“Is he okay-“

“How is he-“

“What’s wrong-“

Lou shushed them all, clearly overwhelmed with all of the questions and gestured for them to all sit down. “Be quiet or they’ll kick us out. Zayn texted me and I found him in the dressing room crying. The nurses helped him onto a gurney and I haven’t heard anything since.”

“So they didn’t say what was wrong?” Liam asked, surprised that he was able to keep his voice calm, while on the inside he was freaking out. “They only asked me questions about who he was and what was wrong. They couldn’t confirm what it was but one of the nurses said it could be-“

“Family of Mr. Malik, I assume?”

“Yes.” Louis was the first to answer, staring up at the doctor with panic in his eyes. Nobody could really blame him; they were in a hospital. It scared him to death that Zayn, their Zayn, needed to be here. The doctor, a woman who looked to be in her thirties, smiled softly at the worry on all of their faces. There was a clipboard in her hands, but whatever was on it, they couldn’t see.

“My name is Rebecca Sorrell; I’m Dr. Hean’s assistant. I’m sure you all must have some questions about Mr. Malik’s condition-“

“Can we see him?” Harry interrupted, blushing when he realized how rude it seemed. Mrs. Sorrell didn’t seem to mind but shook her head. “Mr.Malik is currently being prepared for his appendectomy and won’t be able to have guests for a few hours, I’m afraid.”

“His what?” Niall asked with a frown.

“Appendectomy, it’s the removal of his appendix. It seems that it has recently become inflamed; had you come a day later it would have most likely burst.”

“H-His appendix was going to burst?” Harry asked with a frown, never actually hearing about an appendix before. Mrs. Sorrell nodded, looking over when the doors to the hospital opened the reveal several more people. Liam waved them over when he saw it was their band and some of their security members.

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