Please, Leave me Alone to Die,

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Zayn's sick and rather dramatic about the whole thing, yet the boys refuse to leave his side no matter how many times he threatens to call the cops if they feel for his temperature one more time. Moody, adorable, sick Zayn with caring bandmates


“Please leave me alone to die,” Zayn whimpered grumpily, voice muffled from having his face stuck in the pillow and blanket covering the back of his head.

A week into their break in London and of course Zayn’s body had to shut down when he was supposed to be relaxing. It was only a cold, but it was one that made his head feel heavy and he was drozy and miserable and more irritable than usual. He’s throat felt like razors making it hurt to talk let alone eat anything and he’s nose felt like a leaky tape in a basement which was just downright disgusting let alone extremely unattractive. All he wanted to do was cover himself with a million different blankets, close all the blinds and wallow in his bed for a solid three days alone as he watched re runs of the O.C, even though he’d deny to anyone ever enjoying the Orange country drama.

There was this thing though, where Zayn never really got what he wanted. Because despite having two weeks off which were supposed to be away from his band mates, that was always such a blatant lie. It seemed like after so long together they just didn’t know how to be apart, whenever they had a week off somehow they congregate back together. Usually it was just two or three at a time, Liam and Louis would go on a bike ride or Harry and Niall would go clubbing. Eventually on their last few days off they’d crash in Harry’s apartment and eat junk food and crisps and tease Liam about something meaningless but they always ended up back together. Like gravity forced them, even if Zayn wanted to rip their heads off.

This time however it all happened rather quickly and Zayn has already threatened to call the cops three times if they don’t get out of his house soon because if someone touches his forehead one more time he just might snap.

Harry had texted him there second night apart (two freaking days might he emphasis) telling him to come clubbing because he needed a wingman. Zayns head had been aching all day and he’d much rather just crash on his couch anyway so he’d declined. He ignored the rude messages Harry sent him afterwards and went to bed early.

On the fourth day when Zayn was starting to feel achy and grumpy because he wasn’t sleeping well, Louis had called him up asking him to go see the Paranormal activity movie with him, which he declined and it was partly because he wasn’t feeling well and partly because he didn’t do scary movies (not that he’d ever actually repeat that).

So the next night when Liam had asked him to come around and play Fifa he knew it was just a matter of time before they came looking for him. He made sure to lock his door after declining, but forgot he’d given them all spare keys so it was all rather pointless in the end.

It’s not like this type of anti-social behaviour was particularly unusual for Zayn really. It wasn’t that he was super unfriendly but he liked his space and sometimes enough was just enough. He should have known continually declining them was going to get him nowhere though, he should have gone home and gotten his mom to take care of him. At least she didn’t sit on him when he refused to cooperate.

“Stop being such a big baby Zayn and take the stupid cough medicine,” He heard Louis complain as someone tried to take the blanket away from him but he just gripped tighter.
“I don’t even have a cough,” he mumbled quietly but suddenly a tickle at the back of his throat had him hacking slightly and he could literally feel the glare Louis was sending him.
“If you don’t take your medicine you don’t get any ice cream after dinner,” Louis patronised.

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