Is Your Heart Taken? - Ziam

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If Zayn had ever felt sicker in his life, he couldn't recall a time. Hunched over his toilet, hurling his guts out, he'd do anything to just stop feeling right now. His body was shaking, his head was pounding unnaturally and his stomach felt nauseous, but he barely had anything left to puke up.

All day he had been feeling like crap. He knew he must have caught some kind of cold or flu, but he hadn't realized the extent of it. If he had he might have actually told someone.

Ha, he thought bitterly, that wasn't likely.

Zayn had managed to hide the fact that he'd been sick from the other boys all day. How he' done it was still a mystery, but it was essential. Because Zayn didn't get sick, that was absurd. Sickness was some kind of weakness, a vulnerability, and Zayn wasn't weak. So naturally he didn't get sick.

Besides, it had been there first day off in what felt like forever and the boys had been relaxing all day by the beach. If he'd told them, then they would have started to worry and by extent ruined their day off. He wasn't about to do that.

Instead he'd suck it up, beared the pain all day and assumed once he got some rest he would be fine. He knew his acting wasn't perfect though, and the guys had been more then suspicious about his health. Harry had sent him multiple pointed looks clearly concerned and Louis had continually asked him during the day if he was alright and offering him water. Of course Liam had barely taken his eyes off him at all, making Zayn not only feel pressured and nervous under his gaze but guilt from hiding the illness. But even they knew arguing with the stubborn Pakistani boy was futile, so they'd all just let it go and kept a watchful eye on him. Assuming that when he needed their help he would come to them.

Zayn didn't think it would get this bad though, he figured it was just a cold. A little sleep and he'd be fine. So once he'd gotten home he'd headed straight to bed and crashed instantly. He didn't expect a few hours later to have woken due to extreme nausea threatening to come up and have his head buried in the toilet.

Okay, so he was a little worse then he'd originally thought.

But he couldn't have told the boys he was sick. He didn't get sick. He couldn't let them see him like this.


Zayn groaned, what was Liam doing here at - he checked his watch - 2:30 in the morning?

"Zayn!" the Wolverhampton boy's voice grew louder and more concerned. Zayn considered just sitting there quietly, hoping Liam would just leave. But he knew that wouldn't work, because if Liam on the off chance did find him, he'd never hear the end of how irresponsible he was being towards his health and probably never be left alone if they thought he was sick ever again.

"In here," he groaned. Instantly the bathroom door flew open and Liam dropped to his knees.

"Oh my gosh Zayn, are you okay?" Liam asked lightly pushing the boy's hair back.

Zayn shrugged pathetically, trying to regain some dignity from being found sick on his bathroom floor, "I'm okay,"

Liam frowned, "I can see that," he said sarcastically. He scooped Zayn up in his arms, helping the boy sit up properly and he wet a wash cloth to damp the boys sweat covered forehead.

Zayn quickly felt another wave of nausea and his head was back in the toilet before Liam could make much of a difference, the boy dry reaching having nothing left in his system to bring up.

Liam pat his back as the older boy heaved whatever he had left, cooing comforting words and rubbing circles up and down, "It's okay Zayn, it's okay,"

When Zayn was finished he sat back on the ground, and Liam pulled the boy close to him. Zayn gratefully cuddled up to the boys side, clutching tightly to his waist as he rested his head on Liam's chest.

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