Appendectomy - Part 1

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Zayn knew his day was going to be horrible when he woke up to a headache.

It wasn’t a regular headache, one that could be easily forgotten with some Aspirin and his four boys to distract him. No, this one was one of those headaches where he knew his entire day would be spent sulking and yelling at anyone who spoke too loud. He grumbled lowly to himself before getting out of bed, hissing when he felt a sharp pain from his stomach. So that was how today’s going to go¸ he thought while glaring down at his stomach, covered by his (or maybe it was Harry’s) shirt.

The stomach pain wasn’t too unusual since it’s been bothering him since last night, a few hours before their first concert in Dublin. He had thought to tell someone, but with all of the fans cheering, and the bright smile on Niall’s face, it was easy to forget. Besides, he was a big boy; he didn’t need someone to hold his hand when he had a stomach ache.

He walked slowly over to the hotel room’s provided bathroom, quickly showering since he hadn’t bothered to take one last night due to exhaustion. By the time he was out and dressed it was already eleven, which meant the others were probably awake or just waking up now. He figured Liam would be awake (probably had fit in a quick workout too), a hand on his stomach as each step felt like someone was stabbing his insides. Or something a little less extreme.

Liam opened the door almost immediately, a smile brighter than the sun, greeting Zayn (Liam was a morning person and Zayn both adored and hated him for it). Niall was already there, typing away on his phone and not even looking up to see who was there.

“Are you alright?” Liam asked with concern when he saw Zayn’s barely noticeable limp and how he had a hand clutching his lower stomach. The older boy shrugged, throwing himself on the bed next to Niall and cursing when it only made the pain worse. Niall looked up this time, confused when he saw Zayn holding his stomach.

“You pregnant or something?” Liam rolled his eyes and walked over to Zayn, placing a hand on his forehead and ignoring the fact that Zayn was trying to squirm away. “It’s probably a fever, you’re pretty warm, mate.”

“Zaynie’s sick? Oh no, come here, babes.” Niall teased, pulling Zayn close to his side before bringing his attention back to his phone. Zayn grumbled but stayed put, resting his head on Niall’s chest as he waited for the pain to ease up. His headache was becoming a dull pain, but the pain coming from his stomach was insistent on annoying him all day.

“He could’ve caught it from Lou; she did say she wasn’t feeling well last night.” Liam mumbled, but neither boy paid him any attention. Liam usually became a mother hen when one of them was sick/hurt/homesick, and they learned to just let him do what he wishes and deal with his overprotective, overly concerned ways.

There was a loud slam at the door that caused the three boys to jump. Zayn grumbled when it only caused himself more pain but stopped when Niall told him to ‘shut up, tosser’. However, his tone was nothing but fondness as he casually brought a hand up to play with his hair. Liam opened the door to see Harry on the floor and Louis standing there, laughing so hard that there were tears in his eyes. Harry got up, rubbing at his forehead and letting himself into Liam’s room.

“Do I want to know?” Liam asked as Louis walked in, rolling his eyes when the older boy shook his head with a smirk. Harry, who made himself comfortable on the hotel floor, limbs spread out like a starfish, glared at the oldest boy.

“This twat tripped me and I hit the door face first.” Niall laughed until Zayn punched his arm, seeing the older boy cringing from the volume. He jokingly sighed before going back to staring at his phone, his hand rubbing circles into Zayn’s scalp absentmindedly. “It’s not my fault you’re so top heavy.”

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