I'm Not Sick.. - Part 1

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Zayn felt it coming on.

He woke up one morning with a stuffy nose and with his throat a little sore. Being Zayn, he had kept the information all to himself thinking that it would just go away on its own. It was really easy to hide from the lads considering it wasn’t much.

Eventually, with rehearsal after rehearsal, his throat felt worse and worse by the day.

Zayn woke up on a different morning feeling like absolute hell.
When he stood from his bed, he was hit with a bout of nausea and was very lightheaded. Seeing that it was pretty early and could relax before later today. Before he could even think about settling on the sofa in front of the telly, he quickly stumbled to the toilets and threw up. After, he got up and made his way to the kitchen for a glass of water, making a mental note to grab a bottle of ginger ale later if his stomach still didn’t feel alright. With something In his stomach, Zayn got into the shower hoping the soothing heat of the water would help him feel a bit better. To his luck, the shower did help a bit and he felt better once out and in some comfortable clothes to make a small bowl of cereal for himself.

Sitting in an interview later that day, Zayn felt a tad too hot. He was sweating a little and squirming around in his seat. Liam, being the more observant one, took notice of Zayn’s discomfort and nudged his knee with his own and giving him a questioning look.

Zayn just patted Liam’s thigh and smiled to let him know that he was fine, although he clearly wasn’t. Liam wasn’t too sure about it but shrugged it off for the moment. When they all separated after the interview and Zayn and Liam climbed into their van to head back to the hotel, Liam voiced his thoughts.

“You okay, Z? You look a little pale there, Mate.” Concern poured through his expression.

“Just a little tired. Think I’m headed back to sleep when we get to the room.”

“Okay.” Liam replied wearily.

When they got back, Zayn kept to his word and headed straight to his room while The rest of the boys made their way over to Liam’s.

“Where’s Zayn?” Louis questioned, taking notice of the missing body from the group.

“Said he was tired, went straight to his room from the van.” Liam informed them.

“That’s weird. Didn’t he go to sleep early last night?” Harry wondered aloud.

“Yeah, he did.” Niall confirmed.

Meanwhile, Zayn was groaning, curled up in the center of his bed, unable to sleep like he did actually plan to do. He hoped that when he got back, he’d pass out immediately so he could ignore the pain that he was feeling. Instead he was up feeling miserable and hoping for sleep to wash over him. His stomach wasn’t helping the matter either and Zayn had left his ginger ale on the counter when he passed it on his way in and getting up was not an option for him at the moment. If he did try to stand, he would surely fall the second his weight was on his legs. To make matters worse, the boys had a rehearsal later that night and if Zayn didn’t show up they would know that something was wrong with him.

Zayn couldn’t have that.

He didn’t like to worry people and have them fuss over him even though he did really like the feeling of being coddled. He’d rather struggle on his own than have everyone give up whatever they were planning to do, just to make sure he was alright.

After an hour of groaning, pain, and a few tears, Zayn finally fell asleep.

When time came for the lads to head off to rehearsals, Liam dropped by Zayn’s room to get him. Liam knocked on the room door figuring Zayn would already be ready since he never sleeps in when he has to be somewhere. The lad was very laid back but when it came to work he was professional.

Liam waited a bit longer and shook his head in confusion when the door wasn’t being opened. He decided to call Zayn instead thinking that maybe he was waiting down in the lobby for him.

It was on Liam’s third call that Zayn woke up and groggily answered his phone with a mumbled “Hello?”

“Zayn, where are you?” Liam questioned

“In my room” He rasped as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

“I’ve been outside your door knocking for the past ten minutes! Wait, were you sleeping?”

“Yeah, just got up, why?”

“Zayn, we have mandatory rehearsals right now!”

“Shit.” He swore with the realization that he overslept and hung up the phone.

Zayn stumbled out of bed and raced to the door, nearly running into a table, and unlocked the door for Liam.

Liam entered and Zayn told him that he’d be two minutes tops. Zayn raced back to his suitcase, with some new-found energy that the nap he took provided, and pulled out a fresh shirt. He threw the shirt on over his head and pulled on the jeans that he took off before he climbed into bed. When he was ready, he pulled his hair into a quick ponytail and grabbed his phone and wallet before going back to Liam who was sitting on a couch still confused with the whole situation.

“Come on!” Zayn said, snapping Liam out of his daze and they both headed out the door.

In the beginning of rehearsals, Zayn felt amazing and not like just a few hours ago he was ready to pull his stomach out of his body. The rest of the boys looked at him a bit in awe since Liam filled them in on why they were late and they’ve all been thinking about how weird he’s been acting lately.

“What the hell is going on?” Louis whispered to the rest who just shook their heads or raised their shoulders and continued watching Zayn prance around the stage.

“I am so confused.” Niall laughed out.

“At least he looks happy.” Harry said smiling then got back to rehearsing.

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