Zayn's Sick Day

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( This story was meant to be a Ziall fanfic but I changed it to a Ziam one ) ♥

From the second Zayn woke up that morning, he felt like shit. He actually felt physically sick to his stomach and he would rush to the bathroom so he could throw up were it not for his boyfriend lying in the bed next to him. Not wanting to disrupt Liam, he had decided to just stay laying over his boyfriend's chest and try to sleep it off (of all the medicines in the world, cuddling with Liam was pretty much the most effective and the most enjoyable.)

Unfortunately, he couldn't sleep it off because his stomach hurt so bad that he couldn't get himself to sleep, and even if he could, it probably wouldn't have helped.

While trying to hold in his moans and groans of agony, Zayn soon felt some shifting in the arms that were wrapped around his waist and Liam slowly turned his looks at the older boy in his arms, smiling down at him sleepily.

"Mornin'," he greeted, grinning and blinking at him through his chocolate brown eyes and Zayn instantly felt his spirits lift, though his stomach was still killing him.

"Good morning, love," he said, grimacing at how opening his mouth made his stomach lurch and the bile try to fight its way up to his throat. Liam, though still drowsy, noticed Zayn's discomfort and his eyes focused on him immediately, and his gaze turned into a concerned one.

"Are you alright, Zayn?" Liam asked, placing a warm hand on the older boy's cheek, and Zayn shrugged.

"M'kay. Just woke up with a stomachache is all," he said, and Liam's eyes softened.

"Oh, my poor Zee," he cooed, pressing a soft kiss on Zayn's forehead. Then, he wrapped his arms around Zayn's shoulders, pulling him close comfortingly. Zayn instantly went into the embrace, trying to breathe in Liam's scent and let it calm him.

It didn't do much, but it was something.

~ ~ ~

He managed to get dressed and ready without much difficulty, save for one dash to the toilet to dry-heave over it for a few minutes while Liam thought he was shaving.

When they went down to breakfast, the very thought of food made him gag, so he decided against it, settling to watch the other boys eat and politely declining every bite of food Liam offered to him of every part of his meal.

"Remember, boys, I want polite, British-slash-Irish gentlemen at the press conference. No funny business!" Paul reminded them.

"Pauly-kins, I'm offended you'd expect anything less than the very highest level of tact and decorum from us at all times," Louis replied through a mouthful of waffles and Paul rolled his eyes, while Zayn felt himself heave slightly at the sight of the half-eaten food.

Zayn hadn't been too worried about the press conference at first; he'd expected his stomach to feel better by the time they left, but now, they were just getting ready to head out, and he felt even worse than before. He'd pushed through worse on other occasions, but this was his first time in this country and he wanted to give all of their fans his best.

He resolved himself to just smiling and waving and putting on his happy, healthy, not-about-to-vomit-all-over-these-nice-people face because he couldn't feel any worse than he did now.

~ ~ ~

And then he got in the car and he realized just how wrong he was. The car motion, especially when his stomach was this upset, was really bad. Liam was sitting next to him and he wanted him to move because he really didn't want to throw up all over his boyfriend, even though Liam would be more concerned about Zayn than himself and his stinky, disgusting clothes, but he couldn't tell him to move, because he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would end up emptying his stomach anyway.

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