*PART 6*

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Taehyung rushed to his car, determined to reach the company as swiftly as possible to address the pressing issues.

Taehyung revved up his BMW, a devilish grin spreading across his face. "My pretty devil, let's race to the company," he urged his car, eager to tackle the challenges that awaited him. With a roar, the car surged forward, hurtling towards their destination.

Arriving at the company, Taehyung wasted no time and  rushed to Salman's office. "What's the matter, Salman?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Salman motioned for Taehyung to take a seat before filling him in on the latest developments. "I couldn't access the USB; it's encrypted and password-protected. But I know someone who can help. I've arranged to drop it off at his place tonight on my way home. Also, I noticed  the letters " AD" engraved on the USB, indicating it's personalized. I located a nearby shop offering similar engraving services. With any luck, we might uncover the culprit soon."

Taehyung listened attentively, his mind racing with possibilities. "Salman, don't hesitate to ask for assistance if you need it," he reassured his friend.

Salman chuckled softly. "Thanks, but it's my responsibility to safeguard the company and prevent any future conflicts."

Suddenly, a realization struck Salman, prompting him to issue a warning. "We mustn't allow anyone into your office without supervision. The perpetrator likely has insider knowledge, as they knew exactly where to find the file. They may attempt to tamper with evidence if given the opportunity." Taehyung's expression shifted, reflecting a sense of regret. "I've already instructed the staff to clean up and repair the window," he admitted.

Salman's concern deepened, but he tried to reassure Taehyung. "It's okay. We'll track down the thief with the USB. Don't worry." Taehyung got his point and after reassuring Salman that he would investigate the possibility of fixing the CCTV camera or retrieving the footage from the computer, Taehyung left his office and ascended to the upper floor. Upon entering his office, he was pleasantly surprised to find it impeccably tidy, devoid of any remnants of the morning chaos. Taking his seat, he powered up his computer, intending to examine the CCTV footage.

As he prepared to delve into the task, a knock sounded at the door, and Amanda, his manager, sought permission to enter. Granting her request, Taehyung watched as she placed files on his desk for his signature. Upon completion, he directed her to retrieve a specific file, number 2276, from the holder.

Taehyung couldn't help but marvel as Amanda swiftly located the requested file amidst the thousands housed within the holder. Intrigued, he questioned her about her seemingly impeccable memory for the files' positions. With a modest smile, Amanda explained her dedication to her duties, emphasizing the importance of sincerity in her role.

Accepting her response, Taehyung dismissed her with a nod. However, a lingering sense of suspicion gnawed at him, prompting him to ponder how Amanda had managed to memorize the locations of such a vast number of files.

Taehyung's initial suspicion deepened upon realizing that Amanda was relatively new to the company, having joined just a week ago. The urgency with which she had memorized the file locations seemed incongruous with her short tenure. Determined to uncover the truth, Taehyung made a mental note to investigate further into Amanda's background and behavior.

Setting aside his concerns for the moment, Taehyung refocused his attention on the task at hand. Resuming his interrupted work, he delved into the intricacies of attempting to repair the CCTV camera or retrieve the lost footage from the computer.

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