*PART 16*

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Is fate stronger than love or love stronger than fate

SANA's pov

Sana was busy in her work at the office when she received a call from an unknown number. Picking up the call, she asked, "Who is this?" The voice on the other end replied, "Baby girl!!" Sana's heart raced with fear as she recognized the voice from that dreadful night. The caller continued, "You were saved by Taehyung that night, but now he's in a pathetic situation. Who will save you this time?" Sana's eyes widened upon hearing Taehyung's name mentioned. With a trembling voice, she asked, "What do you want from me?" The caller responded with an evil laugh, saying, "That's not a bad question, baby girl, but you can't afford what I want. However, there's a way. Just be an obedient girl until I finish my game." Sana felt her body weaken as memories of that traumatic night flooded back, tears filling her eyes. She pleaded, "Can't you leave me alone? I just want peace." The laughter on the other end only intensified, as the caller declared, "No, baby girl, you are not an option; you are my priority for winning." Before Sana could respond, the call ended. She muttered to herself, "Don't you dare call me baby girl again with that filthy tongue of yours." Sana was really weak and frightened, It was clear that her trauma had hit her hardly .

She slowly rose from her chair and made her way to the adjacent room where she offered her prayers. Performing her ablution, she laid out her prayer mat and began her Sunnah prayers for peace. For Sana, prayer was a source of solace and strength. She cherished the moments she spent in conversation with Allah, knowing that He alone could understand her deepest thoughts and fears.

After completing her prayers and dikr, Sana raised her hands in supplication. Her heart ached as she recalled the events of that traumatic night. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her lips dry as she spoke,

"Ya Rabb, my only confidant, You know the depths of Your servant's despair. I find myself in a difficult situation, and I implore You, O Allah, to test me as You will, but preserve my purity. Grant me strength and surround me with Your protective shield, shielding me from all forms of harm. Test me with love, wealth, or beauty, but safeguard my purity, Ya Allah, until my last breath."    

Her eyes swelled with tears, her body trembling with emotion. She had once hoped to forget the events of that night easily, but it seemed that forgetting was not within her grasp.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of the door opening, she wiped away her tears and pretend as though nothing had happened. "Princess, I was searching for you everywhere," Salman's voice rang out as he entered the room. Recognizing her brother's voice, Sana put on a fake smile and turned to face him. "I felt the need to pray to my Creator randomly to ease my stress, so yeah, I was here," she replied.Salman nodded, but his keen brotherly instincts told him that something was amiss. "Princess, do you trust your oppa?" he inquired, his eyes searching hers for the truth. Sana innocently nodded, and Salman continued "You can tell me whatever is bothering you, and your oppa will fight for you," he assured her.Putting on a brave front, Sana maintained her fake smile. "You are such a nice brother, but trust me, your princess is fine," she replied, trying to reassure him. However, Salman could see through her facade, noticing the absence of her usual cheerful demeanor. "If that is the case, then where is my princess who loves banter and laughter? I could only see seriousness on your face," he pointed out. Struggling to contain her emotions, Sana hugged Salman tightly to hide her tears. "Wallahi, you are a great brother who notices every change in his sister. And of course, everyone changes when maturity hits them," she confessed, wiping away her tears, she slowly backed off from hug, Salman wore a pained smile. "I don't want you to be matured, because being a matured one isn't easy, Princess. Being matured means we will face too many trials," Sana nodded in understanding and spoke, "And of course, Allah's beloved servants pass those trials with sabr (patience)," , finding strength in her faith.With a gentle caress of her cheek, Salman reassured her of his unwavering support. "Don't trouble yourself. Just call oppa whenever you want, and we can face the trials together," he promised. Sana smiled through her tears, grateful for her brother's love and support, Salman bid her farewell, "princess let me take my leave, and take care yourself " sana smiled and nodded as she promised she will take care herself.

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