*Part 15*

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                          NEXT MORNING

As Taehyung adjusted his blazer and glanced into the mirror, his gaze met his own reflection once again. Jungkook's words echoed in his mind, "But your eyes speak the opposite, just look at them and ask yourself." Taehyung furrowed his brows, contemplating his feelings. "I'm confused," he muttered to himself. "I've never felt this way with any other woman, and it's really strange."

After that Taehyung made his way to his car and settled into the driver's seat, Every corner of his heart beat for Sana. He longed to ask aloud how she was doing, his concern for her evident. He knew the previous night hadn't been easy for her, and he wished he could show her some form of comfort. His heart ached to inquire about her well-being, his heart want to ask her what happened to her last night. However, his ego stood in the way, preventing him from realising the emotions buried deep within his heart.

Whenever he felt these mixed-up feelings, anger often came up first. He wanted to be mad at her in his head but deep down, he cared about her. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but he knew he needed answers. After thinking for a while, he started his car and drive to his company. Eager to meet sana and to find answers for all his questions .

                                SANA's pov

Sana was in a hotel room, where Jungkook had dropped her off late last night, entrusting a female staff member to look after her. Despite the bright morning, she remained on her prayer mat. Her face was streaked with dried tears, her eyes swollen from crying. With her hands raised in prayer, she spoke to her only listener, saying, "My Rabb, only you know what happened to me yesterday, how that man treated me. Nobody asked, nobody cares, except for you, Rabb. Please grant me peace, help me forget yesterday's events. My heart is torn, please help me mend it." Overcome with emotion, she burst into tears again before lying down on her mat, eventually falling asleep from exhaustion.

Meanwhile, Jungkook arrived at the hotel and proceeded to Sana's room. He noticed a staff was already waiting outside with a tray of breakfast, looking concerned. Jungkook asked, "Is everything alright?" The staff replied, "I've been knocking for the past fifteen minutes, but madam isn't opening the door." His heart ached with a fear of  happening something wrong to her, with a positive hope he offered to help and said, "Give me the tray. I have the card to open the door. I'll take the breakfast in and check on her." The staff nodded and handed him the tray before bowing and leaving.

Jungkook swiped the card to unlock the door, and it opened. As he entered, he noticed Sana sleeping on her prayer mat. He gently placed the tray on the table and approached her. Seeing her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, he felt concerned. He whispered to himself, Twilight your radiant cheeks shouldn't be marred by tears; they should be adorned with blushes."

                         TAEHYUNG's pov

Taehyung searched everywhere in the company for Sana, but his heart sank when he couldn't find her anywhere. He went to his office and sat down, feeling frustrated with himself. "You idiot, Kim Taehyung," he thought, "you scared her by firing the gun. How am I supposed to reach her now?, How can I know her state now?" He held his head in frustration, then had an idea. "Why not call Jungkook? He was the one who dropped her off last night." So, he decided to call Jungkook.

                         JUNGKOOK's pov

While observing Sana's troubled state, Jungkook received a call from Taehyung. He stepped outside the room to avoid waking her up and answered, "Yes, Taehyung." Taehyung initially wanted to ask about Sana but restrained himself, asking instead, "Um... How's everything going, Jungkook? How are you feeling?" Jungkook chuckled and replied, "Kim Taehyung, you're terrible at pretending. Your voice clearly indicates you're asking about Sana." Taehyung cleared his throat and admitted, "Yeah, you're right. I was going to ask about her. She didn't come to the office today." With a chuckle, Jungkook teased, "So that means you have already spoken with your eyes." Taehyung brushed it off, saying, "Forget about eyes and all. Just let me know about her. At least she's my employee, right?" Jungkook chuckled again and said, "Alright, hear it directly from her what you want to know." Then, Jungkook entered the room, leaving Taehyung in uncertainty about his next move.

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