*PART 11*

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Taehyung and Sana were too stunned to speak after realizing their ill fated connection."

The room fell into silence, Taehyung still reeling from the shock of discovering Sana is Salman's little sister. Flashbacks of their encounters flooded his mind. With a huge smirk, he looked at Sana,

then turned to Salman, breaking the silence. "Salman, introduce her to me," he demanded. Salman smiled at Sana and then addressed Taehyung. "This is Sana Sulthana, my sister and the assistant designer of department 2AD. And Sana, this is Kim Taehyung, the CEO of this company as well as my friend."

They exchanged formal hellos, and Taehyung turned to Salman. "It's a pleasure to know your sister is now a part of our company," he said keeping a straight face. Salman with a smile, proceeded . "I hope she will always obey the rules and regulations of the company and benefit the company in the future," he replied.

Taehyung, hearing that, left a smirk and spoke, "That's nice to hear. Then what about a promotion?" Salman looked confused. "Promotion? For whom?" he asked. Taehyung explained, "For your sister, who fixed the damaged part of the company."

Sana was shocked, and Jungkook, who was sitting there, let out a fake cough. Taehyung shot him a striking stare, while Salman grinned widely. "So, you're going to promote her to a head designer, right?" Salman asked eagerly.

Taehyung looked at Sana and smirked, "Not just a head designer, but as a VIP designer who will be head of all the head designers." Sana was even more shocked by his proposal, sensing that Taehyung had something up his sleeve.

Just then, Jungkook chimed in, "Hey, Mr. Sulthan, you didn't introduce me to her, that's a little bad." Salman chuckled, "Sorry, Mr.Jeon , my mistake! Sana, this is Jeon Jungkook, the CEO of Jeon Enterprise." Sana offered a polite smile with a formal hello. After that, Jungkook returned the same formal greeting. Later, Sana noticed Taehyung playing with his pen and staring at her, seemingly plotting something.

Feeling uncomfortable, she excused herself to the washroom. "Salman, I need to use the washroom," she said. Salman glanced at Taehyung and spoke, "If you guys had gotten to know each other, can she take her leave?" Taehyung nodded, "Yes, you can take your leave miss sulthana. Meet me later." Sana was shocked but made her way to the exit of the CEO's office.

Outside, she couldn't help but wonder why Taehyung wanted to meet her later. Already, he had made everything a mess. "Aghh, why in the world did he end up being my boss?" she lamented dramatically as she left.

Meanwhile, Salman looked at Taehyung, who was busy reviewing Sana's work, and Jungkook, who was scrolling through his phone. He remembered the events of the previous night and cleared his throat, getting the attention of both CEOs. "Judging from your productivity, I think you guys got a perfect sleep together," he teased.

Taehyung and Jungkook shared a glance, and Jungkook spoke up, "Don't tell me you're the one who dropped me at this psycho's place." Taehyung shot Jungkook a death stare. "Call me psycho again, and I will show you the real psycho in me," he warned. Salman chuckled at their banter. "There wasn't any other option, my man. You should have told me your address before passing out from drinking with him," he remarked. Jungkook laughed. "No matter what, don't drop me at his place next time," he said. Taehyung smirked, "You're not even welcome at my place." Jungkook kept a poker face. "I'd better go to hell than be kicked out by you in bed," he joked, and they all burst into laughter.

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