*PART 13*

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As Sana smiled at the beautiful sight she spoke "Subhan Allah" , it's too beautiful" , looking at her cuteness Taehyung couldn't help but admire her even more. He silently thought to himself, "Yes, they suit you. Those red petals make you really happy, which makes you even more beautiful, my pretty red petal!!."

As the crowd marveled at the breathtaking view, Taehyung's attention remained fixated on Sana. It was the first time he locked eyes with her dark grey gaze, unable to deny the fact her eyes hold the whole beauty . However, as reality dawned on him, he took a step back, thinking about his feelings. "Am I falling in love?" he wondered, quickly dismissing the thought. "No way, she's just a distraction like other girls, an attention seeker," he reasoned with himself. Just then, he heard Sana's voice, bringing him back to the present. "I think you already returned the love charm!" she remarked. Taehyung simply nodded, then turned to walk away, hands tucked into his pockets, without uttering a word.

Sana sighed as she watched Taehyung walk away, muttering to herself, "His ego never burns." She then headed off to find Salman, knowing Salman was the only person behind all these rose shower thing.

Salman finally caught Ameekha's gaze after the red petals stopped falling on her. He smiled at her and gestured, "Did you enjoy it?" Ameekha smiled back, trying to hide her blush, and gestured, "I won't forget it." Seeing her smile, Salman grinned widely and playfully placed his hand on his chest, pretending like Cupid's arrow had struck his chest. Ameekha chuckled at his antics. Just then, Salman turned to Rayhan and Rafan.

He made his way to them and asked, "So, how was the gift?" Rayhan hugged Salman and whispered in his ear, "Man, you made my girl's day unforgettable!" Salman smiled, broke the hug, and turned to Rafan, waiting for his response. Rafan added, "I'm sure this was the best surprise." Salman grinned widely and added, "This was just a small one; the big one is on its way!" Both Rayhan and Rafan looked confused, and Rafan asked, "There's another one?" Salman smiled and looked at Hana and Lana, and asked, "Don't my sisters-in-law think Salman is too cool?" Rayhan playfully punched his arm and said, "They have their own man to praise." Both brides chuckled at the brothers banter and Salman chuckled at his brother's possessiveness and heard Sana's voice, "Salman, wallahi, that was beautiful! When did you plan all this?" Salman tucked his hands into his pockets and replied, "What do you think? I'm the COO of Kim Aerospace; you should expect more from me." Sana smiled.

After that, Salman tapped his earpiece and instructed his men, "Bring the bags." The siblings watched silently, confused. Following his order, his men brought two bags, one for Rayhan and one for Rafan. Salman handed them over, saying, "I've prepared a private jet for you guys, and here's your passport and belongings. Just relax until you reach Bali." Rafan, Rayhan, sana and brides exclaimed, "Bali?!" Salman chuckled and reassured them, "Relax, guys, it's your gift. Just enjoy your precious night there; my team has prepared everything." Sana looked at Salman and teased, "So, my brother is flexing that he's the COO of an aerospace by bringing up the whole chopper and private jet thing." Salman gently pushed Sana's forehead with his finger and replied, "I'm not flexing; it's just my way of surprising guys." They all chuckled, and the new couples happily received their gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Hakkim were proud to see everything end so well, witnessing their children flying to Bali for their special night. Mr. Hakkim hugged Salman and said, "Masha Allah, you are my strength. I don't want any evil eye to catch you." He then prayed for Salman's well-being and blew air on his face for protection.

Salman returned a smile and then noticed Ameekha standing a bit far. He hugged his father and excused himself before making his way to Ameekha, asking, "Were you waiting for me?" Ameekha smiled and replied with a nod, "I tried to hide my feelings, but you're not an easy guy to ignore. I love how you surprise everyone." Salman smirked and teased, "So, my melon is admitting she's already under my spell?" Ameekha blushed and responded, "You're just a cute charm chaser." Salman left a smile and admired her cuteness .

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