*PART 4*

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As Kim Taehyung, the CEO of the prestigious aerospace design company, surveyed the scene of the theft in his ravaged office, a storm of emotions raged within him. The shattered window and the absence of the crucial file containing their new project details struck a blow to the very core of the company's future. Determined to uncover the truth, Taehyung wasted no time in summoning Salman, his trusted assistant moreover his friend ,COO and a lot more positioned person , to the scene.

Salman arrived swiftly, his demeanor composed yet brimming with urgency. With a keen eye, he surveyed the disarray before him, noting the broken glass strewn across the floor. It was amidst this chaos that his keen instincts led him to a small, glimmering object nestled among the shards – a USB drive. His heart quickened with the realization that this tiny device held the potential to unravel the mystery of the theft.
So he picked the USB drive and showed it to taehyung

On the other hand Taehyung was observantly scrutinizing Salman's every action. And he became aware that Salman had obtained something crucial to track down the perpetrator.
And taehyung proceeded " Salman, isn't it a USB drive?"
Salman replied "yes it is,It could serve as evidence inadvertently dropped by the thief."
Taehyung nod his head in understanding and spoke in a tensed tone " this USB alone will not help us to find the perpetrator, we need something more!!"
Salman got his concern and told " have you reviewed the CCTV footage?. Maybe there will be any kind of hint."
Taehyung left a sigh and continued "I reviewed it right away when I saw this mess, but the one who done this mess was much smarter than us. He just erased all the CCTV footage and damaged the  whole camera in my office"
Salman got more tensed and he asked taehyung "isn't it better to inform the cops ?" Taehyung  hesitated and spoke" "Salman, perhaps it's not wise to involve the cops," Taehyung suggested, considering the ramifications. "The news could spark a massive uproar in the media and society and it will cause the leakage of our project."

Salman got his concerns and spoke"then we need to track down the perpetrator quickly," Salman insisted, "The longer we delay,the greater the risk to our project." Taehyung nodded in agreement with Salman's statement .....

Following that, Salman informed Taehyung of his intention to head to the ground floor to make additional preparations for locating the thief. And he left from Taehyung's office

Sana's POV

Sana was worried because salman left from the room in an urgency, she knew that it is because of the mess happened in the CEO's office room. So she waited patiently in salman's office room , waiting salman to arrive. And she heard the door opening, she saw that it was salman as she expected. She asked in a worried tone " is it alright salaman ?" Salman looked at sana with a calmed smile and spoke " princess don't worry!, we will handle everything thing" . Sana got what salman was trying to say . She forms a smile on her face for comforting him . And salman asked " you didn't buy new clothes?" She stood up from the couch by nodding as a "No"and made her way to buy new clothes just because the one she wearing is ruined .

She got inside the nearby boutique and found so many beautiful outfits. So she just tried all of them one by one . At last she changed into a nude pink shirt with a white straight pant along with a white hijab .and told the staff to pack her ruined dress . She also bought some more outfits that are suitable for work. And while she was paying her bill with black card, there come some one unexpectedly, and the person gave a hug from back to sana. Sana got startled and turn to see who hugged her and it was ameekha, her best friend. She got excited and called her name in an excited tone "My beautiful Ameekha is here!!" Ameekha left a smile and spoke " And look my little shine is here" sana chuckled hearing Ameekha's words and asked her " what my beautiful lady is doing here??" Ameekha run her eyes through the boutique and asked her " isn't it a boutique?" Sana replied "yes, it is" then ameekha asked in a teasing voice " then Do you think I came here to buy groceries?" Sana burst out into a laugh and told her " wallahi Ameekha you will get more funnier every time we meet" Ameekha left a little laugh and asked her " are you alone here to shop?" Sana replied " No its not like I am alone , actually salman is there at his company and I joined there today , but some staff just ruined my dress by spilling his tea and even behaved rude to me just thinking I am the one ruined his dress . How does it make sense ?,it was his tea and he was the one holding it , and the both of us dress got ruined,.....AhAaahh.... I cant just think about that man, For sure I will tell Salman to fire that arrogant guy. And he will be surprised by knowing that I am his sister.......And....." Ameekha cut her words by "wait..wait..wait , calm down my little shine, don't get tensed it will ruin your beautiful skin"
Sana left a laugh and gave a little slap to Ameekha's hand , ameekha laughed at her cute behaviour and spoke " so you are here because that spoiled man ruined your clothes" sana nodded her head in a little yes . And ameekha spoke " then I will break that man's bone for making my little shine worried" sana left an excited tone " REALLY??????..." and ameekha nod her head with a little smile and told her " little shine can you choose me a dress that is suitable for work, I just joined the nearby company as a purchase manager" sana got excited and she proceed " masha allah , mabrook girl , what kind of company is it?" Ameekha gave a bright smile and told her " its an aerospace designing company" sana got confused and asked " is it owned by kim entrepreneurs?" Ameekha curiously answered " yes, and do you know that company?" Sana jumped in excitement and ameekha got more confused and made her to relax on the ground by holding her both arm. And sana asked " hey girl, what happened?"
Sana replied her " look how these best friends end up working in the same company" ameekha got shocked hearing her and she was like "What !!!!, you and salman are working in kim aerospace design company ??" Sana nod her head as a yes in a most happiest way after that sana grabbed ameekhas hand and pulled her to select the outfit that fits her.

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