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"What do you mean she was taken!" I roared. Grabbing one of the guards I yanked him up in the air as my hands trembled. "Why weren't you guarding her with you life!" I angrily spat.
Dropping his body to the ground I marched towards Xavier.
  "Xavier!" I Screeched. "What were you doing when she was taken! Where were you!"
In a flash I transported myself in front of him, grabbing him by the neck. 
"Why, why did you let this happen!"

Even as I crush his air pipes his face stayed the same, he didn't struggle, he didn't try to fight back.
Instead he's letting me hurt him. Almost like he's pitting me.
Violently I tossed him to the ground, and sent my foot flying into his chest.
His body tumbled, until he hit a near by tree.
"Why uncle! Why!" I angrily wailed.
He would have sense danger 1000 miles away, so why. How could he do this. How could he let them take her like this.

"Our king may I say something'' one of the guards yelled while standing in front of me. Without hesitation I pushed him, sending him flying.
Marching up to Xavier, blood drench his clothing, his arm bent backwards, but still he's not crying out in agony. Instead his giving me that same pitiful look as he coughs up blood.
"I- didn't have a say in the matter." He struggled to say.
Grabbing him by the hair I yanked him in the air, his feet dangled off the ground.
"It was either you or her. She knew this, and still told me to save you."
He coughed up more blood, almost getting it on my face.
"Please let me explain."

My blood boiled as my body trembled with fear.
Dropping him to the ground, I took a deep breath Trying to hold back my anger. I have to keep a cool head if I want to get her back. I can't rage out. Not here, not now.
"I found her fighting Toorgin"
"That can't be, Toorgin has been with me!" I yelled.

He sat himself against the tree clenching his chest.
"I intervened, but only more showed up. My powers begin to slowly drain the More they came at me, I wasn't only protecting myself but rain. She was fast. She fought gracefully, but thats still wasn't enough. When we had our back against the wall She told me that they were after the both of you, that the water orcs planed something despicable." Wheezing he lifted his head up to look up at the sky.
"She told me I had to find you quick before they got a hold of you. You are they key."
He paused and took a deep breathe.
"She tossed me out the window, right after a bright light beamed through the fortress. The fall Broke my arms, even so  I quickly transported back to her, but she was gone, she took all the water orcs with her. After using so much power she won't be able to fight them off anymore by now they have probably taken her"

My chest tighten as it started be come harder to breathe. It feels as if all the air has disappeared from the world.
I tried to say something but nothing left my mouth.
My handles trembled as I embedded my face into my hands.
Why did she sacrifice herself for me. If I was the key, so was she.
"Why did you let her do this! God knows what's happening to her right now." I cried out.
I can feel the hot tears escaping my eyes like a stream of water. I can't lose her. I won't allow it, ever.

Struggling, he stood up next to me. "You need to focus right now!" He yelled.
"Where is Toorgin, he is not to be trusted."

"Toorgin!" I roared! Turning around  I watch as every orc kneeled, but I didn't see him. He should have been here by now with Enus. "Has anyone seen Toorgin, speak now!" I demanded.
"We haven't." Someone nervously shouted.
"If he's gone its to late now. He's one of them." Xavier sighed.
"That impossible! I've known him all my life, if he was a water orc I would have known! He would never betray me like this. Not Toorgin." I argued.
"I have no reason to lie, I was also right about Enus."

No, this can't be. My mind is  in shambles. First Enus now him, why! Why take the things I hold dear to me. I've done nothing but stand by them and love them as their king. I admit I haven't been the same since the passing of my parents, but I had no choice, I had to become stronger for our kingdom. I needed to lead. But I just can't understand why, Why Toorgin.
What could I have done to you to make you do such horrific things.
What ever the case is I won't hesitate to kill him either.
I would kill everyone in the world if it meant saving her.

"Find him. Now!"
Everyone darted off in different directions leaving me and Xavier alone.
"How do we find her."

"We need to travel underwater but it will be dangerous ." He warned.
"I don't care I'll do anything." I said without hesitation.
Giving me a questionable look he rub the side of his face.
"Have you ever wondered where I got these scales and scares?"
"Not once have I cared enough to wonder that" I bluntly said.

"It's from Dark magic, you too will soon look like this to"

The Deviant Orc King & His MateWhere stories live. Discover now