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I ran throw the path way stumbling to get back to the forstress. My tears blurred my vison as I ran.
"Wait Rain!" Bogs yelled.

I can't wait. I need to see this bastard right now.
As I run, I can feel my heart crumbling. Was I just some booty call until I went back home? How can he not tell me he has a fiancé. How could he easily throw her away like that! No wonder she hates my guts! It all makes sense why she tried to kill me. Honestly I dont even blame her.
Tears Viciously ran down the side of my face. I can't even hear Bogs anymore, everything is muffled. Even if he tries to stop me I'm going!

Before I knew it I was coming up on the fortress.
I darted though the doors without any hesitation. I stood there panting trying to catch my breath. Everyone stared at me giving me a confused looks. I can care less how crazy or derange I must look right now! I'm going to find this prick right now.
"Xorim! I screamed. I don't care how crazy I look. One thing I can't stand is a two timer.
"Where is he!"  Nobody said a word.
"Where the fuck is he!" I roared!
He has another thing coming if he thin he can play me like this.

Before I knew it I was picked up from behind and carried away. "Put me down!" I tried to break away but I couldn't.
"Rain stop!" Xorim demanded.
The carefulness in his voice  only fire's my fuel. That's how I got so blinded by him.
"Now calm down and tell me What's wrong?"

What am I not acting accordingly anymore? Will he throw me away too for embarrassing him!
"Your such a jerk!" I screamed.

Swiftly he sped off towards the room. No matter how much I yelled for him to put me down he refused. No matter how hard I tried to escape his clutches I couldn't. He endured it all. Right until we got into the room. He shut the door and carefully sat me down.
"Don't come near me" I yelled. I know I have No right to be mad right now its not like we are a couple but I was put in danger that night because of him. He had a fiancé and ignored her. Not to mention he mated with me! I didnt think he could be such a dirt bag.
I am a very nice person until someone messes with me like this. I feel like everything we shared together must have been a joke to him. The way his eyes always passionately burned for me, I thought it was because he liked me, but in reality it was because I was his new shinny toy.
"Tell me Why are you behaving this way. What has you so worked up."  He folded his arms giving me such a stern look.

Without noticing My body was shaking from all the adrenaline, I thought I wanted to rip his head off, but now since our eyes finally met. I want to cry. How can he do something so trifling. I know that this is just a temporary relationship but it still hurts.
"Rain." He took a step forward "What's wrong."

"Don't you take another step towards me." I bitterly said. "Why don't you go be with your fiancé." I angrily spat.
He narrowed his eyes.
"Oh you didnt think I would find out!"

He burst out into laughter.
"What the fuck is so funny!" I yelled. How can he be so cold. He's not even denying it!

"Rain I'm not engaged to anyone." He said finally coming down from his laughing party.
"But Bogs said"
I stopped talking and looked away. If this is true, I just made such a huge ass out of myself.
He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. Leading me to the bed. I looked down the entire time. I want to protest, but I know I should at least here him out. I stormed in here without all the information. Bogs was trying to explain to me but I stopped listening to him once he said she was Xorim's fiancé.

He sat me on the bed before sitting next to me.
"She is known as my fiancé because as childeren our parents always wanted us to get married. We are nothing but childhood friends, but Enus grew feelings for me that I can't accept. Everyone expects me to end up with her because that's what my parents wanted. Even though my parents have passed I don't want to honor what they were hoping for. So I always keep Enus at arm length. I care for her like a sister, but that all changed the night she Attacked you. If you didn't knock me out of my rage I would have killed her." He took a deep breath.

"Don't run off with other orcs in front of me ever again. I should kill him for just spewing nonsense to you."

I quietly sat without saying a word. I just made a fool out of myself looking like a mad women. I feel so embarrassed, but also relieved. I can't believe I ran in this place looking for him like I'm the FBI. I can't even bring myself to look over at him. I should have just asked him like a civilized person, but instead I let my feelings and jealously get in the way.

Still hearing that there is nothing going on with her puts me at ease. I was scared I meant nothing to him.
"Rain look at me." He sweetly said.
I couldnt bring myself to do it, but before I knew it he grabbed my chin pulling my face towards him. He smiled
"Were you jealous? He teased. He kissed my cheek, going all the way down to my neck.

"Wait!" I yelped.
As embarrassed as I am I know I need to apologize.
"I'm sorry for acting like that, I should have just came to you and simply just asked. I don't know why I let my emotions get the best of me."  I shamefully said.

"Don't be sorry, you just showed me how much I mean to you without even realizing it."
He towered over me. "Don't worry I'm all yours and yours only, but I think you need reminder on who you belong to."

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