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We fucked a totally of 7 times last night. Back to back he made me cum, showing me no mercy.
No matter how much he came he kept going, I didn't think that was physically possible, but for a orc I guess it is.
Around round seven my vision started to go in and out, but I was to weak to even tell him. In the end I guess I passed out, because here I am laying in his arms wrapped around me.
Im sore all over , but I don't care. Last night as our bodies clashed together I felt a new side of me that I didn't know existed. I never thought sex with a orc was going to be so thrilling. The only thing I'm worried about is what's going to happen when he wakes up. Will he act like it never happened or will he be just as awkward as me..
One things for sure I'm thankful that he marked me. Now I can finally feel at ease, and not worry about someone coming to kill me. Maybe now that I've been marked I can possibly go out and explore this place. But Just thinking about leaving this room still scares me.

I tried to move but he's holding onto me pretty tightly. I don't want to wake him but I really need to pee.
Softly I lifted his arm trying to move it off of me, but his arm came crashing down squeezing me even tighter.
"Where are you trying to run off too? "
"I just need to pee." I nervously said. I should have just laid here until he woke up, I don't think I can face him right now.
Something hard poke my butt making me flinch. How could he possibly be horny right now after all we did last night.

"I can hear your heart racing." He softly spoke into my ear. His warm breath graced my skin , giving me goose bumps. Why is he being like this, making me all nervous.
"I'm sorry" I shyly said. I bit my lip feeling so embarrassed. Of course my heart would race, especially after last night. Just the thought of  last night, makes me feel so flustered.
Loosening his grip around me, he finally let me go. I sat up rubbing my lower back. It feel like I did a full body workout. I don't think I've done this much exercising since I was in high school.

I hoped to my feet only to fall staight to the floor. My legs are useless, there like pool noodles! I held onto them but they only buckled more. Damn it.  This is so embarrassing. I probably looked so weak right now.

I looked up seeing his hand extended out to me. His short hair stuck out wildly. He looked at me so tenderly, just like last night.
Taking his hand he lifted me up in his arms walking me to the bathing room.
"I can walk myself you know." I said looking away from him.
He chuckled. "Would you like to try it again then" he playfully said.
"Hey this is your fault!" I laughed.

"And it will continue to be my fault" he looked over at me giving me a sly smirk.
I can feel the butterflies in my stomach start to form as he stares at me. What does he mean by "it will continue to be my fault" I thought last night was a one time thing, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do it anymore.

He sat me down on the side where the toilet hole was. "Go ahead and pee, I will get the hot water ready." He walked off leaving me alone.

Finally I was able to pee. I hit both of my legs trying to regain some strength in them, I can't have him carrying me around all day.
Slowly I could feel my legs regaining some of its strength back.
I tried to stand up but swiftly I was lifted into the air. 
"I never said get up." 

He placed me in the bath and softly washed me. I wanted to tell him I can clean myself but the words didn't come out. Strangely I like this treatment from him, it makes me feel tingly all over again.  Besides maybe I should let him take responsibility for making me this weak. We sat in silence as he cleaned me, I watch as he cautiously cleaned me, making sure he doesn't scrub to hard, but also making sure he got evey inch of me.
"Your all clean now. I will help you to bed."
He went to grab me but I pushed his hand away.
"What's the matter?" He asked giving me a concerned look.

Honestly I don't know what's wrong with me, but I don't want to go back to bed like this. I want to repay him but Im not sure how, I don't have anything to give. Maybe I can start by cleaning him too.
Standing up I picked up the rag and rub it along his arms. My hands nervously shook as I washed him. I feel so nervous right now, I could just die, but I'm not gonna stop now.
Dipping the rag back into the water I washed his chest gently making sure not to get to much soap on his scar. I felt a poke on my waist. I didn't bother looking down I already know how hard he is. He didn't even try to hide it when he was cleaning me. It's like he want to show me just how hard I make him. I can't bring myself to look at it though.

He looked down at me with those damn eyes of his. They were filled with lust but also anger. I can feel our bodies yearning for one another but neither of us is making a move.
I don't want to complicate things more then they already are, but we can't deny that we have a strong attraction for one another.
He snatched the rag from my hand and took me out of the bath.
"Since you are able to walk, I'll meet you out there." He harshly said. His face harden. without another word he turned around and scrubbed his body.
"Wait i-."
"Rain go." He coldly said.

I bit my lip walking away. What just happened? Why did he suddenly become some cold to me out of no where. Is it because I saw how hard he was, but didnt do anything?
Different thoughts ran through my head but nothing making sense. I didn't do anything for him to treat me like this
I took a deeep breath as I put on my bra. Maybe he just realized that I really am just a weak human, and he wants nothing to do with me anymore.
He came out of the wash room dripping with water only to walk pass me like I didn't even exist. He didn't even say excuse me!
"What's your problem off of the sudden." I angrily said.
Walking up to me he ripped off the bandage off my chest. It stung but I didnt budge.
"It's healed so you should be fine now." He walked away again but this time he left the room. "Wait Xorim!" I yelled. He promise to stay here with me all day then he just ups and leave like it meant nothing.

Looking down at my chest my eyes widen. My wound it's completely gone! I softly rubbed it just to make sure. I feel relieved yet sad. Now that I'm marked he doesn't need to be up around me all the time, but still abruptly leaving like that is a bit much. What am I suppose to do if he decides to not come back to the room tonight or ever. Fuck why do I even care.
I'll be fine without him! I'm not gonna let this bother me, if he wants to act like a immature child then fine. It about time I get out of here anyway.

Angrily I put on one of the outfits Xorim had given me and to my surprise it fit me perfectly. A lot of skin is showing but its okay. I look strong and sexy. I threw my hair into a pony tail and put on these odd looking sandals they make by hand. I gave myself one last look in the blurry mirror before stepping out of the room.

My feet trembled with every step I took. The confidence I had a few seconds ago instantly vanished. I acted out of impulse because he pissed me off. I want to run back into the room so badly, but going back now would be a waste. I can do this. I can't stay cooped up in that room forever. I'm not gonna let myslef get discouraged, I need to do this for myself. Slowly I made my way down the hall looking around for the first time in the day light.
The walls had vines and grass coming out from within them. This place looked like a old castle, it's actually quite beautiful.
It's less scary in the daytime.
I walked down the hall an was met with a group of orcs all standing around laughing, that is until they saw me.

My chest tighten and my palms are starting to sweat. Looking at the ground I tried walked passed them.
"Hey hold on your not gonna say hi?"

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