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Xorim's pov. Minutes after leaving Rain.

I have to hurry. If I don't make it there in time, there no tellling what will happen to her. I'll fucking kill who ever comes close to her. I'll make those fucking cave bastard's  pay for ruining our day. 
I have to act quick and lead them outside the forest. If I don't they will easily find her. Even from this distance I can still hear her soft cries. It's driving me insane. Every part of me wants get her to safety, but I can't do that. She would never forgive herself if she was the cause of  thousands of deaths. Not only that I can't abandon my people. So I will do the only thing I can do. Kill every last one of them, and come back to her. Just wait for me rain and be safe.

"Clipppo faster! I yelled.
I can hear them gaining behind me. Their fast. Faster then any species of orcs. I thought they were at least 10 minutes out but I was wrong. It's only been about 3 minutes and their already nearing me. I can hear them as there feet hit agasint the ground, stampeding towards me.

I can feel Fear and anger taking a hold on me, I have to think clearly, this is not the time to be in raged. If I get all wild now, rain will definitely be in danger. I just have to focus on getting far out as possible.
Even thoughI'm about a miles out I have to at least try to speak to Toorgin. If I can connect to his mind I can tell him to prepare everyone at once. Hopefully that dimwitt doesn't think he is imaging my voice. He knows I have powers, but he doesn't know everything I can do. Even so he better listen to my orders.

I closed my eyes, clearing my mind. Feeling everything around me. The wind, the sun, Clippo paws hitting against the ground with each step. The faint vibrations of heart beats sounded all around me. Carefully but quickly I sorted threw them one by one finally finding Toorgin's.
It's faint but I think I can reach him.
"Toorgin, north of the fortress the cave clan are coming! Bring everyone who can fight. Hide our women and children. I'm close, so hurry.
Releasing all of my concentration I open my eye's taking in a deep breath as the fresh air brings me back to reality.
A sharp spear flew pass my face, grazing my cheek.

Those bastards, they're here! I looked back to see three of them running holding spears. There blue skin glistened in the sun light like pearls. Dirt flew up from there feet like dust as they close in on me.
These fuckers just don't know when to stop. Today will be there last day coming near my home.

Another spear came flying out of no where, quickly I ducked completely dodging it
"Xorim!" He yelled out. "Today is the day you die!" He hysterically laughed out.

Even on Clippo he is keeping up with me. I shouldn't expect nothing less from the cave clan leader Belo light foot himself. Each time I defeat this prick he just comes right back. No matter what, Today I will not give him another opportunity to run off. I will tear them all to shreds leaving nothing for there love ones to claim.

"You talk so boldly for someone who is about to die." I spat. Standing up on Clippos back I Swiftly jump off of her back landing on my feet. I darted off full speed towards him. His cold melious gaze stayed focused of me. "Come at me!" He roared.

Our bodies collided causing wind to fly from between us. Swiftly he threw his fist aiming for my face, but its no use I can read his every attack. Dodging ever blow he tries to afflict upon me. Finally seeing a opening, without hesitation I kicked him in his chest sending him flying back bringing down every orc and tree in his path.

Looking around I notice thousands of purple eyes staring me down. Taking him on is easy, but taking them all at once. I won't come out of here unharmed. I haven't faced a challenge like this in decades. I'm almost excited.

"It's my pleasure taking all of your lives today!" I yelled.
One by one they each came at me with everything they got, but it's useless. One by one I sent them all flying back.
"Come on! This is all you worthless Cavians got! Take me on!" I angrily laughed.

3 of them ran to me in full force. The first one to reach me is aiming for my heart, dodging his spear I broke it in half shoving it threw his eye. His body rolled to ground spewing out blood.
Another aiming to cut my ankles came sliding towards me. I swiftly yanked out the spear from the his buddy dead body and flung it towards him.  It pierced straight through his heart, causing his body to fall in an instant.
I picked up a large stone next to me throwing it at the 3rd one head, in full force using my powers. Ripping his head clean off.
"Haha this is thrilling!" I shouted. I can feel the rage serging threw my body but I haven't lost control just yet.

A large one jumped on my back jabbing a sword into my shoulder. It hurts, but I can take it.
Without noticing a spear was thrown into my thigh. Making me kneel down in pain. The cavian on my back, laughed out meticulously, while jabbing the sword deeper into me.

I just have to breath. If I breath correctly I can stop the pain for as long as I want. Ripping out the spear form my thigh, I quickly shoved it in the orc head behind me. His horrific laughing came to a stop as warm thick blood trickled down my back and chest.
Turning my attention to the orc running in front of me I grabbed her face and smashed it into the ground, feeling every single bone in her face shatter.
Taking a deep breath I took the sword out from my shoulder and threw it on the ground.
"You can't keep this up forever!" Belo shouted. Limping my way, I notice his arm is twisted backwards but he quickly twisted it back, screeching out in pain. Even after that his face shined brightly with enthusiasm . "What are you waiting for! Rip him to pieces!" He Ordered.

Like a mouth to a light they covered me. Clawing at me, stabbing me. Each stab felt excruciating, its becoming harder and harder to concentrate on stopping the pain.  Thoughts of rain flashed in my head. If we stay in this forest any longer they will find her. Even in all of this commotion, I can still hear her cry's from here. I have to lead them further away.
"Is it true you have a human mate now? I can't wait to try her when we get to the castle." He menacingly chuckled.
The anger inside of me is building up in me like hot lava. Crashing inside of me, wanting me to let it all out, but I can't! I can't let the rage control me. I have to stay in control no matter what!  I must do what I have to, no matter the cost!
I closed my eyes feeling my heart beat slow down. Focusing my powers in one mayor blow. I will not mess this up!

In a instant I released my power causing a bright light to radiate form my body, Blowing every single orc off of me. Slowly I stood up trying to keep my balance. I looked down at my wounds that are now beginning to heal.
"What was-" before he could finished talking I charged towards him grabbing his neck. With all my energy and power in me I pushed him threw each tree leading us out of the forest. He grabbed my arms trying to rip my hands from his throat but its no point I'm in ragged, but for the first time I'm in full control. I looked down at him giving him a thrilling smile.This feels great.

Looking back, all of his clan is on my tail, chasing me desperately wanting their leader back. "Your fast, but im faster!" I smirked. I continued to push him out of the forest, I can only hope now that Toorgin shows up soon.

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