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"Yes but it will take a certain amount of energy. You have to practice until you can master it." He said flashing me that menacing smile of his.

"Then teach me!" I demanded.
If I want to return to him, I will have to learn. Even if that means I have to be under Xavier wing. I will do anything to be able to return to him.  Not to mention If what Xavier is saying is true, then Xorim will only get more and more possesssive. If I never return there's no telling what he will do.
One things for sure I will have to do a lot of convincing for Xorim to let me do this.
I'm not to thrilled about having Xavier teaching me, but for some reason I feel like he is the only one who can help me master it fastest since he has left this world to go to mine.

"In return I will tell Xorim to spare your life." I offered. Giving him a sly grin I pointed to Xorim who was fired up all over again.
Xavier eye widened seeing Xorim in  raged.
"Fine. Now that I helped him unlock his powers he's much stronger than I am, not to mention He's already threaten to rip me apart so you better keep your word. I put my life on the line for you today" He spat.

He's right. Why would he do that, its not like we are close.
He sat next to me looking up into the sky. His eyes soften as he took in a deep breath.
"I want to return to your world as well. There's someone waiting for me."  He sighed.

He has someone waiting for him? Does that mean he also fell in love with a human? I want to pry but I'm sure I will have more than enough time to ask him.
Scooching away from him, he let out a laugh.
"Don't flatter yourself. It's best I'm next to you when this thing come crashing down. He won't hurt me if I'm right next to you." He said looking back over at Xorim.

"You need to do something about him, he's not going to let you train with me." He pointed out.
"I'm still trying to figure that out." I sighed.
Looking back over to Xorim, our eyes met again sending a tingling sensation through my body. His eyes are like daggers. Each time our eyes meet my heart races. I'm not sure if its fear, or excitement.

"I think you have inherited more than just half of Xorim's powers, I'm not entirely sure yet, but I know you possesses the power of transporting to other wor-"

The sheild came down in a instant silencing Xavier.
Xorim came running towards us in full speed and I quickly hopped to my feet jumping straight into his arms without thinking.
I can"t fight him, but this is the only way I know I can stop him.

His heart is beating like crazy against me and his skin is drenched in sweat.
Not even noticing me he looked directly at Xavier snarling like a wild beast. I know I should be scared right now, but honestly I feel so excited.
"Xorim."I whispered into his ear. His body shutter as my warm breath grazed his ear. I love how simply saying his name is doing this to him. He's more sensitive then usual.
I have to let Xavier escape someone how, if I try talking to him he won't listen. I only see one other option, but I feel so awkward doing this in front of Xavier. Fuck it.

I kissed his neck slightly moaning into his ear. He wrapped his arms around me firmly, squeezing me. His breathing is calming down.
Slowly his eyes finally met mine, giving him a warm smile I planted a small peck on his lips.

"Leave now." He demanded.
Without saying anything else Xavier ran passed us, leaving us all alone in the forest together.
Snicking , I watched as Xavier ran for his life.
Xorims eyes lustfully looked down at me like a animal in heat.

"Xorim I know everything."
Shamefully he looked away.
Pulling his head back towards me I pulled him in for another kiss. Each time our lips meet my heart feels like its about to burst out of my chest. Xavier said that he will only become more and more possessive, but what about me? I'm mad that he tried to trap me but its like I can't think straight when I look at him. I don't want to be away from him for more then a second. It seems like I'm the one thats obsessed.

"Your so shameless." I whispered.
Looking into his eyes I can see my reflection. My eyes, there glowing! Is it because I'm feeling so overwhelmed, or it because the way I feel towards him.
"Do you still love me, after finding out." He gloomily said.

Does he think that this would make me stop loving him. Without thinking I smack his arm. Shocked by my own actions my eyes widened. I didn't smack him hard but still I did it without thinking. How could he think my love would change so easily.

"Do you think this would stop me from loving you? Honestly if it was the other way around, I probably would have done the same thing." I smiled.

"Since we are out here take me back to your secret place again. I hate that last time I was the only one who got to enjoy the room."
I don't want to be mad him right now, not when I feel like this, my eyes are still glowing and my emotions are everywhere. Being in his arms like this and seeing him pant and sweat is really doing something to me. I can't get my mind out of the gutter since jumping into his arms.

Slowly he begain to walk holding me tightly in his arms. I know that we have a lot to talk about, but right now I only have one thing on my mind.
"Slowly I kissed the side of his neck, letting out small moans. Each Time I kissed him I made sure to look up at him. His eyes never breaking from mine. Does he feel what I'm feeling right now? My body feels hot. Just the scent of his skin is making me feel all wild inside. It's like I'm a cat in heat.

"I know I'm wrong for not telling you, but I need you.-"

Putting my finger agasint his lips he hushed.
"Xorim I'm planning on learning how to send myself back."

He stop walking, giving me a serious look.
"Don't worry shrek I plan on coming back to you." Caressing his face I gave another peck. "I can't live without you Xorim." I confessed.
"I'll do my best to teach you!" He proudly said.

"No you won't."
He flashed me a confused look. "Xavier will be teaching me."

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