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I've never been out here before. The houses are much more rougher looking and the orcs that are here are all geared up in heavy armor.
As soon as we walked up I quickly spotted the orcs bodies all pilled up.
A a few feet over laid Bogs unconscious body and that doctor who took care of me standing over him shoving some type of herb in his mouth before spitting it into Bogs. Scrunching up my face I covered my mouth. Theres blood everywhere.
Bogs body is covered in a unknown brown substance I've never seen before. Was this his blood? Possibly someone else's.
I can feel bile rising in my throat as I breath in a whiff of decaying bodies.

I watched as Xorim looked over the dead bodies. I can see the pain in his eyes, even if he is not showing it. I hate that this has happened to him. "Maybe you shouldn't have brought her." Toorgin voiced giving me a concerned look.

I couldn't hide my emotions. Seeing those dead bodies and Bogs laying there is really doing a number on me. I touched my damp cheek not even realizing I had been crying. Quickly I wiped my eyes making sure not to make eye contact with Xorim. I don't want him to regret bringing  me here.
"You need to focus your attention to you dead comrades instead of my mate!" Xorim spat.  His nostrials flared.  Toorgin didn't try protest. Instead he lowered his head, not challenging his king.  I kind feel bad, he was only trying to look out for  me but  he doesn't have to! I'm strong now. If I have to live in this world I have to toughen up no matter how terrible the situation it. Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Quickly glancing over I see Xavier disssaperaing behind a house.
What is he doing here? Before I could say something Xorim gave me a soft nudge.

"Why don't you stand over there, don't go far." He motioned me to a near by seat.
I nodded my head and quickly walked over. Did Xorim not notice Xavier over there like I did? He's must be to distracted by the death to deal with him right now. Maybe I should go see for myself what he is up too.

Looking back, Xorim is already thoroughly looking over the corpse. I just need to be quick.
Taking my chance I darted off towards where I saw Xavier last. Coming around the corner , nothing but wooded houses stood before me. He must of snuck off into one of these. I can't hear his heart or sense him nearby anywhere. Kicking the dirt I turned around bumping into something hollow.
"Why are you following me?" He squinted his eyes while curling his lip up.

"What are you doing out here Xavier. Did you kill those orcs and hurt Bogs?" I said crossing my arms. I'm trying to hold back the malice, in my voice but I can't. Even though he has shown that he is at least a bit trust worthy I still can't fully trust him.
Glaring at me he rolled his eyes. "No I heard about it and wanted to see for myself."
For a few seconds I stare at him trying to figure him out, who would of told him about this, the king is suppose to be the one who knows everything first. So that can only mean he was ease dropping. But what I don't understand is why is he trying to flee from the scene.
"Mhm still you should have came over. It would have looked less suspicious that way. If xorim would have seen you sneaking off, you would have been done. You know how ruthless he can be."  I grinned.

Just when I thought his face couldn't look anymore displeased, he gave me a grimace look. He's the one who help Xorim unlock his powers, yet now he is afraid of him.
"I'm surprised Xorim let you come to a battle scene., he must not care for you as much as I thought." He coldly said giving me a wink.
His attempts to annoy me aren't working,

"Actually I threaten to run if you locked me up." I said shrugging my shoulders.
Xavier  let out a loud laugh holding on to his stomach. "Your telling me you made him heal." He continued to laugh out. 

This is the first time I think I've seen him laugh regularly. Usually he shows all of his sharp teeth but this time it's different. I never knew he could laugh like this. It only makes me wonder what could have turned him so cold.
"He sure has his hands full with you." He continued. 

"Alright I guess if your telling the truth I should get back."
Before I could walk pass him  he grabbed my arm but I quickily yanked it away.
"What is it!" Grabbing my wrist I rubbed it almost as if his touch was poisonous.
He put his hands up in the air and took a couple steps back.
"I was hoping we could chat a bit." He smiled. There he goes again giving that creepy smile. What could he possibly want to talk about.
"I have some tips for you." He quickly said.

He leaned up against the wooded house and sucked his teeth.
"Stop focusing so hard, thats your problem. You can focuse but don't force it so much to where your neglecting actually feeling your surroundings. let your powers flow naturally."
Taken back by his good advised I shook my head in repsonse. Knotting everything he says. He makes it all sound so easier but these last two weeks I've been trying my hardest. He pointed his finger at me and crooked his head, "Go ahead and try it now." He urged.
"What? now?" I asked giving him a confused look.
"Just trust me! Now do it!" He demanded.

If he wasn't the only person who could teach me this I would just walk away, but I'm desperate.
Closing my eyes I focused, taking all the advice that he just given me.
In a instant I felt the ground shift under my feet. Opening my eyes I am now on the opposite side, standing right next to Xavier.
'I did it!" I screamed. I jumped with joy. I'm not sure why this was so easy this time around but who cares! finally being able to transport without any problems I can't wait to show Xorim!

"Are you tired," he quickly asked.
"No I'm great why?"
"Thats a relief, if you were anything like xorim you would have been tired by now." He cackled

"What do you mean?" I hesitantly asked.
"You ever notice that Xorim doesn't use his transporting powers?"

He right I haven't seen Xorim not once trnapost anywhere. Even just a little while ago he jumped all the way in the air to save me.
"It's because thats his weak point. We all have a week point and that just so happened to be his, if he does it once it hinders his powers because it takes so much energy. You too will also have a week point. You may have powers but you can still not be good at using them. You have to practice. Thats the only way to master your powers." He sighed. "Since nobody in the kingdom knows of his powers like we do he doesn't practice. He is still powerful regardless but for orcs in our family that possesses transporting powers, you have to practice to master it. For me, I can use it here without any problem but to travel back to your realm it will take some time.  Not to mention a even longer t0-"

He stopped talking and looked beyond me his face hardened. Confused I tuned around to look to see what he was looking at but I didn't see anyone. "What are you-" I begin to say while turning around. But he vanished. Where did he go! "Hello?" I yelled. He didn't have to be such a show off. He could of said he didn't want to talk anymore, but instead he chose to be rude. Just when I was starting to feel greatful.

"Didn't I tell you to not to go far." A voiced rumbled form behind me.

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