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"I can't take much more." I panted. We've been going for so long now I don't even know what round we are on.
"This is the last time I promise."  He kissed my shoulder continuing  to ram hisself inside me. His stamina is no joke. I'm doing my best to keep up, but its getting harder and harder."Thats what you said last time." I pleaded.

Lifting me up in the air he healed me up against the wall, slowly kissing me. I can feel him twitching inside of me, its making me all wet all over again.
"Hold on to me." He lifted my legs over his arms and thrusted hisself into me. "It's too deep!" I screamed out. He picked up the pace making me scream even louder. His veins popped out from all over as he begin to reach his end. 
"You can take it." He whispered.  Sloppily he kissed me. Grunting with each stroke.
He hands gripped around my ass, clinching onto it.
My skin feel like its tingling all over, I feel like I'm in complete bliss but I'm so tired. This orc, he's taken all of me and completely tamed me.

After another 3 times of me saying "That's what you said last time." He finally let me rest. We laid together until we both drifted off to sleep.

The sounds of heavy breathing, woke me up. Opening my eyes Xorim laid in front me sound asleep. Cool air grazed my face with every breathe he took. Looking up I notice the sun is coming up. Wow he really fucked the hell out of me all day yesterday. I sat up and rubbed the back of my neck trying to rub out the dull ache.
I really need to get in shape if I'm gonna be having sex with him more often.

I laid on my back facing the ceiling. My cheeks are starting to burn as last night events replayed in my mind. The way he seductively whispered in my ear. The sweet way he planted kisses all over my body. Just thinking about it has me so excited. I placed my hands on my face trying to hide my smiles.
I genuinely feel happy knowing that we feel the same way for each other, but I know I will have to leave soon. Just the thought of being away from him forever, it makes my heart ache. I want to go back home but I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave him just yet. I hope they take their time looking for that orc.

Looking over at Xorim, I place my hand on the side of his face. "Tempting me this early in the morning is dangerous." Taking my hand he planted a single kiss on it. His eyes open revealing his red and green eye. I haven't seen his eyes turn this color in awhile.
"How come your eyes change col".
"We can save that story for another time." He said cutting me off. His face harden, making me anxious . Slowly he sat up rubbing his hands throw his wild hair.

Even though he looks so calm I know I must have struck a nerve asking that question. I should of never asked him anything. We just made up and here I am asking unnecessary questions.
He open his arms wide, giving me a reassuring grin. Its like he already knows what I'm thinking. Slowly I crawled onto him, laying my head against his chest. He warmly embraced me wrapping his arms around me giving me a gentle squeeze. 
"I'm sorry " He softly said.
"Its'okay, I will let it slide this time, but if there is a next time I won't be so forgiving." I warned.
"I understand."  He places his chin on top of my head letting out aloud sigh.

He's so cruel to everyone, but is scared if little ol me is mad at him. I guess even for a orc a women will still bring you to your knees.
Without realizing it, I smiled.

"So did you enjoy your time outside the fortress?"
The sudden question made my heart race. Did he want to talk about why I was laying on top of Bogs that day!
"Well that day.. you see.."
"I was told by bogs that you enjoyed the meat market, would you like to go back there?"

"I would love that! Is Bogs gonna be busy today?" I excitedly asked.
He looked down at me with such a annoyed look.
"I meant with me." His gaze could cut the air. Of course he would be talking about his self.

"Of course with you! I would love that." I said trying to ease the tension in the room. "But that day where'd you guys go with all of that armor? Looked like you guys were off to battle." I questioned trying to change the subject.

He laughed out placing his hand on his forehead. "We were looking for you."
"What!" I yelled.
"I came back to the room 20 minutes after I left to apologize to you, but you were gone. The door was left open with you no one in sight.  I damn there almost killed 2 of my high ranking orcs because they claimed to not know where you were. So I gather them and we prepared to slaughter who ever took you. We walked around until I caught a familiar scent. Your scent."  He smiled stroking my hair.

"A familiar scent?"I asked giving him a confused look.
"I smelled you rain. Your my mate so when you close by I can pick up your scent." He confessed.

A mixture of shock and confusion made me speechless. He really took everyone and searched for me. I'm touched. I didn't think he would go that far for me, but Also why did he not mention he can smell me! I hope I don't stink, but what's beginning to eat at me is if I would have never left that day, none of this would have ever happened.
"I want to show you my home,  I want to show you a spot I use to run to as a child when I was down. It's quite beautiful unless you'd like to go with Bogs instead." He jealously said.

How can this orc be so cute when he's jealous. If I wanted to go with Bogs I'd wouldn't be here right now. Still it feels good to know he gets jealous over me. It makes me want to mess with him a little more. "Mhm where's bogs now?" I joke, giving him a sly grin.
He growled into my ear
The the vibrations from his growl is making my skin tingle.
I tried to keep my laugh in, but its to late I was already laughing in his face.
He look at me with such a warm expression, as if just my laugh was enough for him. I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up.
I may have wanted to tease him for fun but it looks like he's the one who won in the end.

"Look at me rain." He grabbed my face bringing my gaze back up to him.
"I'm The only one who gets to see you like this."  His tone was calm but his demeanor isn't. He's more possessive then thought. Just by me accidentally falling on top of Bogs almost ended his life's. I know I should be scared but nobody's ever acted this way towards me before. I like it.

"Don't let anyone touch you the way that I touch you, even when you return, don't let any human lay a finger on you.." He sullenly said. His eyes grew with uncertainty. I can see the worry on his face. He's suppose to be Xorim the defier, but with me he's so much more than that. I've seen these sides to him no other has ever seen. I don't want anyone else to see this either.

"Your crazy if you think I could let anyone touch me like this, no body will come close to you" I admitted.
"So Don't  hold anyone else like this." I shamefully said. "Don't warmly smile at anyone else." I continued.
Even though I'm so embarrassed with saying something so corny I mean it.
I will spend every last second with this orc like its my last.
I dug my head back into his chest, and held onto him  tightly closing my eyes shut.
"Rain I-."
Knocks at the door cut him off. He quickly grabbed the covers placing them on top of our naked bodies.
"You may enter." I didn't bother looking up I already know its just Toorgin.
The door slowly creaked opened with foot steps following behind.
"We have located the Orc that knows how to send her back."

My body flinched as his words soaked in. How could they have found the orc now!? Right when things just started going great with Xorim. I tried to say something, but my throat felt like sand paper. I glanced up at Xorim, his expression is weary.  He closed his eye tightly and cliched his jaw.
Is this really our last day together?

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