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Do you know the definition of Deviant? Abnormal, different. Refusal to blend in with society.  Bent, twisted. Committing unspeakable crimes.
Unusual, freaky!  Beastly people.  If your thinking to yourself right now if your a deviant person or not. Nine time's out of 10. You Are.
No matter how good of person you may think you might be, there is a little deviance in all of us.


"You should just go for a run clear your head a little." My father continued to annoying me.
You would think he would give it a rest. I don't want to leave the house. Everything I do reminds me of how much of a failure I am.
"Please dad give it a rest!" I pleaded. "Don't you have to be to work soon?" I pointed to my watch reminding him of the time.

He softly sighed. "Just get some fresh air. You've been cooped up in this house for to long. Who knows on your run you might figure out your next move! You can''t sulk forever. So go!" He shooed smiling warmly at me.
His words of encouragement did nothing for me, but I know he means well.

I laid back on the couch and took in a deep breath. I hate it when he's right though. I need to get out of this funk. It's been a month since I lost my dream job, and within that month I lost everything. So here I am back living with my dad and his husband.
Just third wheeling it up.

I got up to grabbed my running sneakers, tightly strapping them on. Not even bothering to change out of my 3 day old sweats I left the house.
The sun beamed brightly causing me to squint. The warm air graced my skin for the first time in 1 month. It comforted me, but I can still feel the anxiety roaming aimlessly inside of me.

I slowly walked down the road only looking at the ground. My neighborhood is pretty small so it didn't take long before I saw the Cape park trail.
Sulkily I walked down the brightly green path kicking any Little Rock that appears in front of me.
Every rock I kicked I imagined it to be my bosses head. I know this is bad to say but if I could I'd kick him in his chest. Knocking the wind out of him. Everything's ruined because of him!
A cracking noise startled me stopping me dead in my tracks. I squinted my eyes looking into the forest but I didn't see anyone or animal. 

Not many people walk this path since a man went missing here when I was 7. They searched day and night for him  but he was never found. Ever sense then people are scared to wonder here, but I always walked this path. No matter the time or the weather I some how always find myself right back here.  It's the only thing that makes me feel connected to My mother in a weird way.

As I walked birds chirp like a symphony all around me. No matter how down I feel the sun continue to shine beautifully. How can the world still be this pretty when I'm so down. Its not fair.
Clinching my jaw I closed my eyes for a second Taking in a deep breath.
I can't let this keep eating  away at me. I have to continue  to live, no matter how betrayed, or gloomy I feel. 
A cracking nose echoed again in the forest.

I looked around carefully as my heart started to speed up, but still I don't see anyone. Maybe there is a animal stalking me, or maybe worse maybe its a person watching me.
I picked up my pace trying my best not to seem panicked just in case someone is actually following me.
Vicious growls erupt from behind me, without hesitation I sprinted off. I peaked a quick look to only see  a huge black wolf chasing me!
I felt the air leave my lungs as fear consumed me. I don't want to die! Not like this.

Maybe this Is how that guy who went missing years ago died! The growls grew louder  as the wolf  gained on me.
I can hear it snapping its jaws trying to take a bit out of me. If I turn around now I know that its over for me. The only thing I can do now and run into the forest and zig zag threw all the trees I'm bound to lose it!
I bolted off the trail into the forest without looking back. I ran threw the trees making sure I ran in different directions. The further I ran the more the ground became steep.  
I can't slow down no matter how hard I dug my feet into the ground , I was only picking up speed as the hill grew deeper! I tripped and came crashing down. I rolled down the hill, without any means of stopped. Each tree I passed I tried to grab onto, but I only ended up hitting them. I winced and scream out in pain with each tree I hit until everything went dark.

The Deviant Orc King & His MateWhere stories live. Discover now