Chapter Thirty Three: American Belle

Start from the beginning

He blinked, chewing slower. "Pardon?"

"Crocodile testicles." Gracie grinned hugely, "You're eating crocodile balls, dear Sebastian. Local delicacy."

Disbelief flashed across his face and he waved the waitress from earlier over. "Love, what am I eating?"

"Crocodile balls." The waitress flashed him a smile, her eyes trailing from Sebastian's eyes to his lips, "That's what your girlfriend ordered."

Sebastian sent her a dazzling smile, "She's not my girlfriend. Now tell me the truth, love."

The woman's eyes grew hooded when he called her 'love.' Gracie wanted to throw a fork at her. He's fucking Scottish, it's an act. Pull yourself together, woman. Her blood was boiling.

"They're not actually balls, just crocodile meat." She smile uneasily now, sending Gracie an apologetic smile.

Like a twin flame, anger and something more venomous flared inside her. It was a nasty sort of feeling that made her pissy Sebastian was flirting with the server. Gracie had never casted it before, but she knew the incantation. Avada Kedavra. She could try casting it right now. It sounded much better than watching the waitress blush.

"Thanks. We'll take the bill." Her tone was flat.

Gracie sniffed quietly. She was getting no bloody tip now.

"Awfully rude of you, shortcake." Sebastian said coolly, sliding his knife through the meat, "Don't worry. I'll punish you later."

"Your company is punishment enough."

Sebastian's eyebrow raised, "And what was his?" His lip curled in disgust, but it wasn't from the food. The taste had grown on him. "He's a bloody tosser."

"You don't know him." Gracie reflected dismissively, running a hand through her loosened braid. She needed a shower. "Did they only have one room available?"

He shook his head, looking further upset. "No. There was two. Here." He handed her a little silver key, "Wait for me, I'm almost done."

Twenty minutes ago, she would have waited. Twenty minutes ago, she wasn't pissed off at him for flirting with the waitress and twenty minutes ago, she wasn't confused about why she was mad. What she did want to do, was get on his nerves.

"No thanks." She rose from the table, smirking. "I think I might go see if Charles is free for the night."

Sebastian chuckled quietly, "Don't unpack."

Gracie paused, "Why not?"

The wizard wiped his mouth with the linen napkin before placing it down neatly in front of him. He flashed her the same dazzling smile he did to the waitress, but this one was dangerous instead of flirty. "We'll need to make a quick escape. If he takes one step into your room tonight, I'm killing him."

"You're dramatic."

"I'm serious, shortcake." His voice lowered, holding her gaze steadily. "Not. One. Step."

Gracie scowled, rolling her eyes before stalking off. He was bluffing. Right?

The room was no where close to the size of the one outside the Forbidden City. She could cross the room in ten steps. There was a poster bed with a white thin veil that covered it; likely to keep out the mosquitos. A small yellow, native plant sat on a circular table. Two bamboo stools were next to it, but there wasn't a shower in the room.

Was this place communal? Gracie bit her lip, wondering. As she was busy pondering, there was a knock on the door. Maybe Sebastian would know.

"Se-Oh." Gracie blinked, staring at the suited man. "Charles? What are you doing here?"

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